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吉野 | 2011-06-29 10:47
ilovethiscow | 2011-06-29 12:02
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miss321 | 2011-06-29 13:29
babycoming | 2011-06-29 13:38
MISS321 ,

聽人講話tokiwa琴就算全新,簡10部先可能1部d聲同各樣ok,是真的嗎 ? 說yamaha品質比較穩定是不是真呢 ???
如果2手再賣出,tokiwa會唔會無咁值錢 ???

Quote:原帖由 miss321 於 11-6-28 17:45 發表
Of course Tokiwa! 日本造聲靚~ 要買都要等! Yamaha YU 係大6造。不過其實你買俾4歲女女,睇自己Budget啦。如果考慮平d 2-3萬的一手琴都係得大6廠造既揀~

miss321 | 2011-06-29 18:12
唔好聽人講啦, 自己去試吧~
Tokiwa 而家好多人知, 二手都易賣呀~
Quote:原帖由 babycoming 於 11-6-29 13:38 發表
MISS321 ,

聽人講話tokiwa琴就算全新,簡10部先可能1部d聲同各樣ok,是真的嗎 ? 說yamaha品質比較穩定是不是真呢 ???
如果2手再賣出,tokiwa會唔會無咁值錢 ???


piggy-ma | 2011-06-30 10:29
琴行的鋼琴Miss介紹買了德國琴Musiya UP-123。

琴行的小提琴阿Sir (他是調音師,同時教鋼琴及小提琴)亦說OK,德國料 (string & hammer),中國裝做。

Is that true?

現換了私人鋼琴Miss,新Miss 說 it's not a good brand, recommend us to change to Yamaha.

樓上說, European brand is better than any Japanese brand. Should I keep on using the present Musiya?
ming2 | 2011-06-30 13:28
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piggy-ma | 2011-06-30 14:24

Thanks for your reply.

We brought it in 2007, less than HK$20k. At that time, Tom Lee had some Yamaha model starting at HK$25k. 當時唔知阿女是否認真學,還有個 little naughty boy (at kindergarten),再好的琴也會被他畫花。So we picked a cheap one, try try la.

This year, my girl gets 叮 in G6 & she wants a "white" piano. We see one H & K "white piano" in Tom Lee at HK$33k & then consult current Miss.

That H & K is made in China, so Miss recommends to buy Yamaha U1 at least, otherwise it is difficult to my girl to progress.

If necessary, we are willing to buy U3, for its height (131cm). At the same time, we dun see any problem in our present Musiya. Now Im 15/16.
ilovethiscow | 2011-06-30 14:29
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piggy-ma | 2011-06-30 15:04
Why we have to concern 鋼琴要值錢?

To me, I buy it for own use, not for resale at profit. Otherwise I will buy shares or violin.

If a piano can support my girl to progress further (of course we have to work hard continuously), I think it is a good enough piano. I just feel doubt, is that really necessary to have a U1 in order to learn G7 or above.
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