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warez01 | 2024-02-23 13:13
大家好, 想問有冇人可以俾啲評價我?多數人都係看bigexam的資料去講,但我知學校近年用心教,小女band 2 生去會ok 嗎?我其實希望學校是在向上的軌道上便可了。 如果有用家或街坊可俾下意見我就非常感激了。 :funny:

0030 | 2024-02-23 14:41
小女band 2 生去會ok :wahaha:
warez01 | 2024-02-23 19:41
Quote:0030 發表於 24-2-23 14:41 小女band 2 生去會ok


liverpool2023 | 2024-02-23 19:48
Quote:warez01 發表於 24-2-23 19:41 請問你有小朋友讀或朋友讀這裡嗎?想聽多一點分享。謝謝你


jmk2012 | 2024-02-25 07:05
Quote:liverpool2023 發表於 24-2-23 08:48 同事仔B2讀,口碑ok


hiuching8 | 2024-02-25 11:24
呢間根本係band 2

Poyau | 2024-02-25 13:28
Quote:warez01 發表於 24-2-23 13:13 大家好, 想問有冇人可以俾啲評價我?多數人都係看bigexam的資料去講,但我知學校近年用心教,小女band 2 ...

STCC 2023年無公布幾多科2+>HK 可能少於2022年及2021年的9科? 不過2+ 100%有5科 數目與前兩年相同 5科為 M1 M2 物理 中史 企管 School Plan and Reports https://stcc.edu.hk/en/school-plan-and-reports 2223 School Annual Report https://stcc.edu.hk/sites/default/files/files/2223_school_annual_report_r1.pdf (3) Student Performance 3.1 Students’ academic performance (KSH) With the full-scale resumption of face-to-face teaching and learning at school last year, students were rather participative when they were back to school. Despite the varied dynamic in learning, most students have shown effort to keep their learning on track. More than half of the senior form lesson time of the last batch of S6 was spent online. Teachers worked really hard to shape and prepare them for HKDSE. There were five subjects of which the passing rate reached 100% in 2023 HKDSE, namely M1, M2, Physics, Chinese History and BAFS (Business Management). English Language still takes the lead to keep up with the standard. M1, Chinese History and Physics obtained more outstanding result this year as well. Around 90% of our HKDSE takers this year were given an offer for tertiary studies. One of them got the offer from the University of British Columbia in Canada while some were given an offer by universities like the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. All in all, the teaching team worked hard to equip students for their public examination. It is believed that the teaching effectiveness could be further enhanced with concerted effort though. STCC 2022年文憑試成績 #157 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=3873003&pid=49196573

hiuching8 | 2024-02-25 13:51
Quote:Poyau 發表於 24-2-25 13:28 STCC 2023年無公布幾多科2+>HK 可能少於2022年及2021年的9科? 不過2+ 100%有5科 數目與前兩年相同

level 2好易,試卷攞三成幾分數已經得,正常人都攞到嘅,讀得直資,家庭環境唔太差,所以應該唔會低過平均。但level 4+就難講了,好大機會低於平均。

warez01 | 2024-02-25 14:39
Quote:hiuching8 發表於 24-2-25 11:24 呢間根本係band 2


jmk2012 | 2024-02-28 15:45
Quote:warez01 發表於 24-2-25 14:39 咁呢個我都知。只係想聽多啲用家意見,特別係師資同校風。


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