Australia International School

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Tiffany | 2004-04-20 18:21
Does anyone have comment on Australia International School? It was highly recommended by the teacher of the playgroup my baby is joining.
markchan | 2004-04-22 00:13
Quote:you mean the saturday english course. I had sent my children there before but it is not as good as I thought. The teachers (or the teachers for my children) have strong australian ascent. However, I have a few friends and their children are studying there, Their feedback is no homework and their children are happy at school. Compared with my little daughter who is now studying in conventional school and has much homework to do even at lower primary, this is perhaps a betteroff for both parents and students.

Tiffany | 2004-04-22 14:00
Thanks Markcha, I have heard that the reception (Pre-school) is very good in this school. If possible, do you mind asking your friends about the standard of this school. Do they teach Chinese as well? If there is no homework, can they learn much by playing only?
Thank you.
markchan | 2004-04-30 23:04
checked, there will be chinese taught and they adopt a creative teaching approach ie no homework for low grades and gradually increase it at higher level. however at most homework is one or two kinds and can be completed in less than one hour for each day. They have a web site and you can access to this for more information or contact them directly. However, i am given to understand that the application fee is very expensive, in terms of thousands
Tiffany | 2004-05-01 22:25
Thanks a lot. Yes I agree that the application fee is very expensive. Thank you anyway Markchan
fionma | 2004-05-11 23:18




creammy | 2004-05-12 00:07

如果你入讀internatal kinder,you are automatelygo to p.1 .但如果你去本地小學,個小朋友會好辛苦!
fionma | 2004-05-12 08:09
咦?但係點解我朋友個仔讀Tutor Times,但佢要考加拿大國小既?不是直升喎!係咪某d國際幼稚園先可以直升呢?

我都知由Int'l Kin轉讀本地小學係比較辛苦,所以可以直升Int'l Primary就最好!但因為我老公好重視accent,我地一定會揀 Int'l Kin,但問題唔知點樣銜接返小學囉!請指教!

fionma | 2004-05-12 08:23
咦?但係點解我朋友個仔讀Tutor Times,但佢要考加拿大國小既?不是直升喎!係咪某d國際幼稚園先可以直升呢?

我都知由Int'l Kin轉讀本地小學係比較辛苦,所以可以直升Int'l Primary就最好!但因為我老公好重視accent,我地一定會揀 Int'l Kin,但問題唔知點樣銜接返小學囉!請指教!

creammy | 2004-05-12 08:47

如果你的小朋友讀有小學直升的國際小學幼維園,才可以直升.eg: australian international, Canadaian international,.....你住
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