投考 真道 2007 年 小一

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freddielau | 2006-09-20 10:21
Dear Parent,

Just open this disscussion for those who have applied 2007 小一. For my case, I have the interview last SAT. There should be some more this coming SAT. Anybody knows how many applicants this year ? ;-)
freddielau | 2006-09-25 15:18
Anybody got notice on the 2nd interview ?
桁媽媽 | 2006-10-04 09:45
Not yet. Hear nothing from Logos.....

freddielau 寫道:
Anybody got notice on the 2nd interview ?

freddielau | 2006-10-04 16:18
just called Logo and they said 2nd interview by the end of Oct to early Nov....result by end of Nov
桁媽媽 | 2006-10-04 17:52
Thanks freddielau. I called them today too.

Seems not much parents concern about logos. Nearly hopeless for EC, I wish I can have good news from Logos. :(

freddielau 寫道:
just called Logo and they said 2nd interview by the end of Oct to early Nov....result by end of Nov

freddielau | 2006-10-04 19:59
me 2 :-(
LittleThing | 2006-10-12 10:39
A friend of mine just received call from Logos for the second interview (parents + child). Good luck to all.
jannie | 2006-10-12 20:39

3childmama | 2006-10-13 15:57
:-( :-( :-(
我重未收到電話呀! 係咪唔得呢? 會唔會有信通知呢?
我淨係幫個仔報咗真道, 唔知點算呀!
mmcht | 2006-10-16 10:42

My son is studing in FS1 now. I remember that the school had contacted me by phone(followed by the letter) for the 2nd interview.

During the interview, my son was sitting(drawing) on one side(a small table with some color and paper) in the same room while my husband and I were interveiwed by Principal Yau. It was an informal talking and nothing had to prepare. Mostly he shared with us about the school.

good luck! :lol:
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