請問07出世既小豬BB媽, 你地諗好左係邊間讀N1未呀?

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alanaudio | 2008-08-03 12:02
1) 我仔係07年10月出世GA, 依家揾緊N1, 元朗區大家有無好提意呀.
2) 如果佢讀N1, 即係應該09-10入學, 啱唔啱呀?
3) 我見到好到都係年尾開始報名, 咁我係咪都依家要去報呢? 因為出年己經係要讀LA 喎,
4) 邊間N1較好呢, 請大家俾D意見. TKS.
emi1y | 2008-08-05 14:26
1) 我仔係07年10月出世GA, 依家揾緊N1, 元朗區大家有無好提意呀.
hihi, my son was borned in July 07. I am looking for N1 as well.

2) 如果佢讀N1, 即係應該09-10入學, 啱唔啱呀?
Yes, that's right!

3) 我見到好到都係年尾開始報名, 咁我係咪都依家要去報呢? 因為出年己經係要讀LA 喎,
I think we should start search or visit the schools now.
You know, having more preparation is always better.

4) 邊間N1較好呢, 請大家俾D意見. TKS.
This is my big headache too. I wanna find a Native English Enviroment around YL. The traditional local school may not suit me. I am thinking Kid's corner, smartland. However, i wanna find more options as I would prefer a more properiate school environment.
peanutmama | 2008-08-06 01:03
3+4...上網找緊,邊間有全英語N1呢? 最好係native speaker教學, kid's corner報左試堂play group仲on waiting list, smartyland連報名都無份(要bb識行小小路至收)
請問大家有咩好提議? 麻煩晒
ahbebe88 | 2008-08-06 12:54
我個女係0707, 出年N1, 未搵到呀! 重未有地方落腳!
我都去 kid's corner報左試堂 , 8月尾去, Jolly kingdom約咗今星期六試堂。
唉! 揾學校好頭痛呀!
三個白白豬 | 2008-08-06 12:59
Quote:原文章由 alanaudio 於 08-8-3 12:02 發表
1) 我仔係07年10月出世GA, 依家揾緊N1, 元朗區大家有無好提意呀.
2) 如果佢讀N1, 即係應該09-10入學, 啱唔啱呀?
3) 我見到好到都係年尾開始報名, 咁我係咪都依家要去報呢? 因為出年己經係要讀LA 喎,
4) 邊間N1較 ...

你個囝係9月後出世,所以要插班,會比較難揾 n .因 n 政府規定一定要足 2y 先可以讀.
所以如真係要比阿囝讀 n , 揾多幾間做後備.
lamfanny | 2008-08-06 21:41
你地講果d好似係 playgroup o黎播!:question:
emi1y | 2008-08-13 14:18
Yes, those that we are talking about is the playgroup, but they offer n1 class as well.

Actually, I wanna find a n1 in the proper Kindi. However, most of the local kindi in YL are not focusing on English. That's why I would consider the n1 in those playgroup centres.
lamfanny | 2008-08-13 17:02
Yes. I have the same thinking as you.
Have you find it now?
How about Jolly kingdom?
Most of the N1 school are full time study but I wanna my baby take half day is quite enough for such ages!

Quote:原文章由 emi1y 於 08-8-13 14:18 發表
Yes, those that we are talking about is the playgroup, but they offer n1 class as well.

Actually, I wanna find a n1 in the proper Kindi. However, most of the local kindi in YL are not focusing on En ...

peanutmama | 2008-08-14 16:58
三個白白豬 | 2008-08-14 21:03
Quote:原文章由 peanutmama 於 08-8-14 16:58 發表

kid's corner 有 pre-school , 模式好似返幼稚園咁,你可以先 join 佢地 pg 試玩下先.
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