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bobbbby | 2011-01-12 00:30

Quote:原帖由 happyland001 於 11-1-12 00:02 發表
This kind of school just concerns about the parents community reputation and background disregarding the capability of the applied child!

cellojoyce | 2011-01-12 00:44
One of my friends also prefer to put his sons in Dbspd and his daughter in co-ed, his reasons are:
DBS is less demanding academically (as those who get offers because they do well in music or sports may not achieve well in academics) p.s. I know a few students scored 0 marks in Hkcee
2. for girls, as dgjs and co-Ed are equally demanding in academics, he prefers co-ed as the personality for girls trained up in the two schools is totally different
Just want to point out an example, no offense! [ 本帖最後由 cellojoyce 於 11-1-12 14:54 編輯 ]
sadsam | 2011-01-12 01:02


Quote:原帖由 Zhaiba 於 11-1-12 00:04 發表
Is it so difficult to understand? The government set policy which it thinks is best for the general public but there is no policy which can possibly satisfy everyone. The official definitely have th ...

babyqueendom | 2011-01-12 10:12
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cellojoyce | 2011-01-12 11:45
Quote:原帖由 babyqueendom 於 11-1-12 10:12 發表

One school is in Kowloon. One school is in southern district. Would average parents consider that it is not ideal in terms of transportation?

If I have an elder daugther study in co-ed, I would no ...

TRYTOBEHOMAMA | 2011-01-12 12:35
The fact is that there are different considerations in making official and family decisions. It is not really surprising for any difference between these decisions (for example, how would you know the respective weightings of Mr and Mrs Leung's preference?). One could only fairly judge Mr Leung if he/she is for sure that Mr Leung has not adhered to his own views on the language of schools, belief in choice in schools, etc. in arriving at the school choice for his son.
ANChan59 | 2011-01-12 12:59

So Leung's family decision reflects many families preference.

If more educational officials as Leung's family, our educational reform can be much better from users view(s).
HoHoMom | 2011-01-12 19:32
Oh, I see now......got you.

"It is normal that BK parents protect their kids' school or the schools offer them hope i.e. pending final result.

For this reason: her comments towards Mr. Leung seem different in this thread & YW's Result thread

I think this is understandable."
HoHoMom | 2011-01-12 19:35
What is so difficult to understand is where the following idea come from ??:question:

" can the government change all the government school to the elite school? "
hogwarts | 2011-01-12 19:59
Ha, ha, as said by one of the then senior official in the Educational Bureau, those families could send their kids to DSS already had school voucher. This policy formulated then was by the group of elite with Leung as a main player. Then they really knew how to create room for themselves, so that they can make official and family decisions in their own convenient way.

The logic becomes, once you are successful, then you can have the privilege to make official and family decisions in a different manner, while the mass must only live with your official decision, just because you are not successful.

No, Leung cannot make every school as good as DBS, but as leader, did he try or just push forward a policy that he won't even accept when he applies his own family value?

Most likely honesty is a forgotten word for some of our then policy makers. Will our current policymakers learn a lesson or two? Or just enjoy the privilege in making policy with official value which won't be allowed at home?

Although we are not successful character as Leung, as a stakeholders of the HK education system, we do have the right to question the policy makers' integrity even they are not elected by us.  [ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 11-1-12 20:28 編輯 ]
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