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diversity | 2011-01-12 20:23
"The fact is that there are different considerations in making official and family decisions. It is not really surprising for any difference between these decisions"
- wow, what a generous person you are!! I would accept this if he is just a civil servant, but the fact is he was the policy maker (political post). How can he sell a policy without his own belief in it?? Split personality??
diversity | 2011-01-12 20:42
Quote:原帖由 Zhaiba 於 11-1-10 20:53 發表
"You guys so sad." - How sad are we??

"He alone cannot build the current education system so please don't criticise anymore, he is also just a parent like us."
Of course the system machinery cannot be built by one person, not even Mr. Tsang. But Leung was the major policy advocate in revamping our educational system that time. Being fulfilling a political post, he should have the integrity and own belief in what he was promoting so as to convince the general public. This should be evidenced by what he behaves, even as a parent. But now... is it fair to our children by being the white mouse of the reform??

"He is so successful in his career isnt it "normal" that these ... "
This makes me even more confused. Does an able father = able child?? what's the logic??
acer1 | 2011-01-12 22:00
叻人生叻仔,自然考到叻學校。點解咁多人輸咗又唔抵得人,係都話人走後 門?安慰下自己!
tzehin | 2011-01-12 22:09
Can't agree more with Diversity.
Leung was the main figure in charge of education reform at the time of Tung ruling. We all remember the drastic, unpopular and chaotic education reform e.g. supressing the elite schools in terms of compulsory Mother-Tongue Chinese as Medium of Instruction, changing the 5 banding system to 3 banding and what not.....
Yet now he behaves like he is the supporter of EMI school!! So ridiculous!!
Do as you would be done by.(己所不欲,勿施于人)
PoorParent | 2011-01-12 22:13
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PoorParent | 2011-01-12 22:14
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acer1 | 2011-01-12 22:26
Zhaiba | 2011-01-12 22:27
quote]原帖由 Zhaiba 於 11-1-10 20:53 發表
"You guys so sad." - How sad are we??
- because of the ruthless critism of a parent's choice.

"He alone cannot build the current education system so please don't criticise anymore, he is also just a parent like us."
Of course the system machinery cannot be built by one person, not even Mr. Tsang. But Leung was the major policy advocate in revamping our educational system that time. Being fulfilling a political post, he should have the integrity and own belief in what he was promoting so as to convince the general public. This should be evidenced by what he behaves, even as a parent. But now... is it fair to our children by being the white mouse of the reform??

- In case you have not notice my whole discussion is not about the education system, while I may also have a lot of dissatisfaction about the current education system i am not interested to discuss here and this forum is also not a right place.

Let me use another analogy - what about the official incharge of the government hospital, does that means he cannot use private hospital? Cause this way we will be saying the same critism. The official may "honestly" believe the government hospital is already the best that the government can offer to the general public, but if he can afford a better one he can still choose the private one. No disbelief at all, it is just everyone's choice.

"He is so successful in his career isnt it "normal" that these ... "
This makes me even more confused. Does an able father = able child?? what's the logic??

I absolutely agree with you, but who said all primary principal are looking for able child for their school? Some principal may actually be looking for able father, whom they think will be a better asset for the school..........it is a sarcastic comment with the " " on normal.
Zhaiba | 2011-01-12 22:39
Don't get me wrong. You have every right to criticise the education system which obviously can be improved.

Rich or successful people do not necessarily are happier but unfortunately they very often will have a bit more choices than the others.
4in1family | 2011-01-12 22:41
梁錦松教改的政策真係好多壞影響,我自己都唔係好認同佢係教育政策的決定。但係同佢個仔入到DBS唔應該夾埋一齊講, 佢都有權揀學校比自己個仔,DBS差不多係全港最出名的男校,作為家長,佢比個仔考無可厚非,佢考到又唔係好出奇,未必一定係黑箱作業既。如果要comment就comment佢果D爛鬼政策,話佢個仔backdoor就好似有的unfair. 講真,梁錦松就算唔報DBS,佢報其他,其他學校都會收,呢個係現實。
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