difking | 2006-12-25 20:46 |
有冇讀緊女拔小學的家長分享吓妳的喜與悲? 及妳小朋友的感受? 我女考倒, 我有一位朋友女 |
purpletulip | 2006-12-25 23:54 |
Definitely!! My friend's daughter is studying in DGJS. It's a lot of pressure. If you daughter's marks are not within the first tenth, you might probably be inivited to meet the class teacher. Pressure on the kid and pressure on the parents. |
goodenough | 2006-12-26 00:35 |
唔知你講阿媽定女? :-o :-o :-o |
ohnono | 2006-12-26 02:07 |
考到唔等如幸褔和美滿,這只是第一關吧了,和女小拔結婚才有永恆,才有幸福和美滿。 |
chcheung | 2006-12-26 10:38 |
Pressure may not be coming from teacher. If the kid couldn't get a high score, they will lose confidence and always query why she couldn't be so smart just like others. Bear in mind that the school also stress on "becoming a smart kid". If you can counsel your kid well, or if you can help her get confidence from other aspect, it will be fine. I have met so many DGS girls who never talk about their school life. |
rollingcat | 2006-12-26 11:34 |
唔一定... 我有個fd係讀女拔小同女拔中, 而家都成廿幾歲人 佢學業上係好ok(係我睇中), 但係個人可能由細鬥成績鬥大 可能又唔係次次鬥到第一個d(可能未試過第一但又要鬥都唔定) 個人自信心唔夠, 嫌心好重, 成日以為人地有心同佢作對(鬥)咁 成日都覺得自己做得唔夠人好. 所以做父母的, 唔好單單睇學業成績, 有時d無形壓力 小朋友承受唔到就係承受唔到, 會影響佢日後人生 |
iloveyoga | 2006-12-26 12:33 |
首先恭喜妳的女兒能夠進入女拔的大家庭,這確是一份非常開心的聖誕禮物。 我很明白妳現在的心情,既開心又擔心,的確是非常矛盾。 而事實上,學校在課程的編排上是比較緊密一點的,特別在上學期中。因為學校想小朋友在12月初完成學期考試後便可盡情投入聖誕節的慶祝活動。 雖然,家長會有一點點無形壓力,因為小朋友們是非常聰明和用功(我想這句說話用在其他學校也適用)。 但是,我的女兒是非常投入學校的生活和對學校有強烈的歸屬感。同學們之間也亙相照應(特別是忘記做功課,而要在上堂前15分鍾內要完成),測驗和考試前大家亙相問問題和温習,這点是我值得高興的。 家長之間也很友善和幫助。 希望這些答案能幫助妳一點點。 |
mrswintsang | 2006-12-26 19:10 |
iloveyoga, Can you tell me the name of the reader which dgjs used,since i have the wide range reader green book (my son's). Is it useful or not? Thank you! :-? ?-( :cheeze: |
horselover | 2006-12-29 22:03 |
I totally agree with what iloveyoga described. My daughter has been enjoying happy and free school life. The girls are trained to be more confident and out-going. School work is not difficult. But most girls achieve high and set high expectation on themselves. The competitiveness is mostly from the parents. |