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plkckykid | 2007-05-08 07:58
Dear mswnn,

Its $4,880 per person but it's all-inclusive, i.e. no tips and no needs to waste time in shopping for the things you don’t want. In fact, you are too busy with the trip and you will have too little time to buy anything at all.

As parent, you have to pay the same excepted that you have to prepare to be ‘Ah sei’ and to do the donkeywork for your kid. Also, you have to wake up at 7 or even at 6 a.m. so as to arrive at school in time. Remember that you might have to take care of other kids whose parents are not with them. Some parents are so kind to be photographers, team leaders and even doctor of the trip, without pay and with a lot of service to render. Do pay your deep respect to them.


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