School Fee 2006-2007

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BTau | 2006-12-11 22:29
Dear Parents

Re: School Fee 2006-2007

Does anyone know how much for P1, 2, 3 & 4 respectivley in this year?

freddielau | 2006-12-11 23:25
2,500 X 10 for P1 next year
G-Ma | 2006-12-11 23:35
As I know

P1. HK$2,200.00
P2. HK$1,900.00
BTau | 2006-12-11 23:53
G-Ma / BTau - good day

Do you know why P1's expensive than others?
BTau | 2006-12-11 23:58
freddielau / btau - good day

as per g-ma's last message, i thought it'd be around $2100 for p2 & $1900-2100 for p3 and 4.
freddielau | 2006-12-12 08:34
NO, it is due to the increase of school fee from 2003 onwards.
That mean 3 years back, school fee started from 1900(2004), 2100(2005), 2200 (2006), 2500 (2007)....etc
一家三口 | 2006-12-12 10:02
freddielau 寫道:
NO, it is due to the increase of school fee from 2003 onwards.
That mean 3 years back, school fee started from 1900(2004), 2100(2005), 2200 (2006), 2500 (2007)....etc

學費都加得幾密喎! :-o
G-Ma | 2006-12-12 12:22
對每年新入學的學生與正在就讀的舊生比較加幅可能覺得大, 但入學後舊生的加幅其實不算大.

我朋友的小朋友2005年入學p.1時學費是hk$1,800.00, 今年p.2(2006)學費是hk$1,900.00, 加幅$100而已.

p.1 hk$2,200
p.2 hk$1,900
p.3 & p.4 少於 hk$1,900, 但正確數字我不太清楚.

一家三口 寫道:
freddielau 寫道:
NO, it is due to the increase of school fee from 2003 onwards.
That mean 3 years back, school fee started from 1900(2004), 2100(2005), 2200 (2006), 2500 (2007)....etc

學費都加得幾密喎! :-o

jovina | 2006-12-12 17:20
freddielau | 2006-12-12 20:19
1,200 for current S1 this year
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