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Y.M. | 2006-07-07 14:10
Hi everyone,

Nice to meet you all here. I'm one of partents of Tak Nga Primary shcool. FYI, my daughter is now studying in P.5 and she will promote to P.6 in September. She has studied in this school since kindergarten so totally have 7 years in this school. If anyone has any question please don't hestitate to askme and I'll try my best to answer.

Starting from next term, Tak Nga will change to whole-day. The time-table will be as follow:

8:00 am - Assemble
8:15-8:30 - Class Teacher Lesson
8:30-9:50 - 2 Lessons
9:50-10:10- Recess
10:10-12:10 - 3 Lessons
12:10-1:10 - Lunch
1:10 - 3:10 - 3 Lessons

Hope the above information will help. Meanwhile, from 1/9 - 8/9 will finish shcool at 11:30 am then starting from 11/9 onwards will finish school at 3:10 pm.

Best regards,

Yukyuk | 2006-07-07 17:06
Dear Y.M.,

Thank you so much!

:-D :-D :-D :pint:

Y.M. 寫道:
Hi everyone,

Nice to meet you all here. I'm one of partents of Tak Nga Primary shcool. FYI, my daughter is now studying in P.5 and she will promote to P.6 in September. She has studied in this school since kindergarten so totally have 7 years in this school. If anyone has any question please don't hestitate to askme and I'll try my best to answer.

Starting from next term, Tak Nga will change to whole-day. The time-table will be as follow:

8:00 am - Assemble
8:15-8:30 - Class Teacher Lesson
8:30-9:50 - 2 Lessons
9:50-10:10- Recess
10:10-12:10 - 3 Lessons
12:10-1:10 - Lunch
1:10 - 3:10 - 3 Lessons

Hope the above information will help. Meanwhile, from 1/9 - 8/9 will finish shcool at 11:30 am then starting from 11/9 onwards will finish school at 3:10 pm.

Best regards,

Barbie媽媽 | 2006-07-07 17:17
Hi Y.M.,

My daughter is studing in P.5 at Tak Nga also. Will yr daughter choose Tak Nga Secondary / Our Lady of the Rosary or others in future? I don't have any ideas in Sham Shui Po district. Any good suggestions?

Y.M. | 2006-07-07 17:59
Hi Barbie媽媽,

上智 & 銘賢 also are very good in Sham Shui Po district.

No, I will not chose Tak Nga Seconday for my daughter may be will chose Rosemary for her but my first choice will be上智 . But all depends on my daughter's result on her 3 次呈分試. How about you?

Best regards,
Barbie媽媽 | 2006-07-08 23:57
Hi Y.M.,

Tks for yr reply.

上智 is very hard to enter in. (If you can't get the 'A' mark in English, they will not give you an application form) Tak Nga Primary only got 16 seats in 上智 last year.

My daughter prefers Rosary than Tak Nga Secondary, however, Tak Nga Secondary was better than Rosary in the HKCEE result last year. (I got this info. from some websites, can't sure it's ture or not)

It's really hard to fill up 30 schools :-o

Why you don't like Tak Nga Secondary, and what is the advantage of Rosary?

Tks & regards,
Y.M. | 2006-07-10 12:10
Hi Barbie 媽媽

妳說得對30個志願實在真是難填滿,除了3間英中女校和3間英中男女校外,其餘都是中中。但是不用太擔心,聽說只要囡囡考獲全級首一百名, 就是Band 1 學生。

德中都是一間好中學,可惜公開試的成績是一般,再加上眼見有一些女學生的儀容有點兒太時髦,雖然德中的校規都好嚴謹,但是學校在深水埗區校網是不可避免的。 況且三年前有位老師跟我說若果小朋友的成績好,她會鼓勵小朋友往聖母玫瑰多些。

Best regards,
KLTam | 2006-07-14 11:20
my daughter graduate this year. she was allocated to Rosary - her 2nd choice school. pls dont worry about result of this school, cos most of her classmates are going to the 3 schs - Holy Trinity, Rosary & Tak Nga Sec ;-)
Y.M. | 2006-07-14 14:20
Hi KL Tam,

妳好!恭喜! 恭喜! 妳囡囡可以入聖母玫瑰真是可喜可賀,也替妳高興可以放下心頭大石。請問知不知道有多少位女同學入上智呢? 有沒有更出色的同學入到更好的中學:如協恩、DGS、St. Mary 等?

Best regards,

:-D :-D :-D
KLTam | 2006-07-14 15:28
多謝 ! 知道既 (都差不多 十幾個同學) 都係入呢三間, 當中 有三四個都係上智, 另有一個入協恩, 一個入浸大直資, 反而真係聽唔到有人派得唔好! 聽講今年係 咁多年女仔派得最好既, 但係 d 男生就 ...... :roll:

遲 d 收到風 (by my wife) 再 post 出黎 ;-)
Y.M. | 2006-07-14 17:50
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