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WongSik | 2007-01-02 16:32
昨天my son想做學校叫join的數學平台(平時做開,一入去就有隻八爪魚果個網呢),怎料入不到,話要比錢再續,請問大家有這情況嗎?
glorymum | 2007-01-03 11:37
Dear wongsik,

My daughter also cannot login the Maths. platform. I think we have to ask her teacher for help.

WongSik | 2007-01-03 11:40
Thank you for your advise, Glorymum.
| 2007-01-03 13:10
WongSik 寫道:
昨天my son想做學校叫join的數學平台(平時做開,一入去就有隻八爪魚果個網呢),怎料入不到,話要比錢再續,請問大家有這情況嗎?

2006 數學平台 has ended on 31.12.2006. You have to use the new Account Number and Password for 2007 if you have already paid for the service. The new one will start on 3.1.2007 (i.e. today) and end on 31.12.2007.
glorymum | 2007-01-03 21:12
Dear Eddie&Sylvia,

Yes, the school informs us about the new arrangement in the handbook today. My son can login and has already done the exercise. Thanks.

And, I want to know how did the result of "英雄足路"of this platform come from?I see that someone have reached to 300 marks in this month.
| 2007-01-03 22:45
glorymum 寫道:
Dear Eddie&Sylvia,

Yes, the school informs us about the new arrangement in the handbook today. My son can login and has already done the exercise. Thanks.

And, I want to know how did the result of "英雄足路"of this platform come from?I see that someone have reached to 300 marks in this month.

There are 10 挑戰 questions and 20 重溫 questions. If all 30 questions are correct, your kid will have 300 marks ! :-D :-D
glorymum | 2007-01-04 09:20
Dear Eddie&Sylvia,

oic, thank you.
| 2007-01-04 10:49
glorymum 寫道:
Dear Eddie&Sylvia,

oic, thank you.

Did your son do the GS also ?
glorymum | 2007-01-04 22:23
glorymum | 2007-01-04 22:28
Hi, Eddie&Sylvia,

Do you know a school with a name of "嘉諾瑟聖方濟各"?Is it same as "聖方濟各英文小學"?If no, where is it?What's its background?

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