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NNGG | 2007-11-26 15:04
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angelasoha | 2007-11-26 15:48
Quote:原文章由 NNGG 於 07-11-26 15:04 硐表
我下星期會寄信去禮賢學校給校長,真的盼望有位啦! 您講 "有位實考慮",但我個仔成績不理想,但願學校本者作育英材,有教無類的精神讓我兒子在其校接受教育吧 (希望不是成績第一作考慮)。It really depends any free seat.

Thanks! I understand that it's hard to say and compare... and it depends on the student's I.Q., study environment, teachers, parents, etc. Anyway, I would like to try if the school accept. Can you tell me what is the test book for English (Longman), I think I can understand something about their level by the test book they use, thanks for your help!
angelasoha | 2007-11-26 15:51
Quote:原文章由 YYLLBaBa 於 07-11-26 09:47 硐表


希望你如願啦 :)

OT少少 ..........

其實會唔會因為係新校(特別係官津),因為要有成績,所以會"谷"得勁 d 呢 ???

Thanks! I think you mean OT = opportunity.
Right, I agree that new school wants to be listed as Band One, so they would push harder!
NNGG | 2007-11-26 17:28
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angelasoha | 2007-11-26 17:58
Quote:原文章由 NNGG 於 07-11-26 17:28 硐表

Can you tell me how many sentence for English dictation and how often? Every week or every two weeks? Thanks for your help!
angelasoha | 2007-11-28 10:05
Quote:原文章由 angelasoha 於 07-11-26 17:58 發表

Can you tell me how many sentence for English dictation and how often? Every week or every two weeks? Thanks for your help!

各位: 校方已回覆沒有位 以及 我個仔的成績不合符學校的資格,所以不考慮我的申請!Anyway, 謝謝各位的意見。 我正在想是否應該試 "啟基",我會找找資料。
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