原來如此,是的,我有交費,所以我就唔知道無交費就縮了水。昨天,仔仔就做了2 questions for gammar, 2 questions for listening and 1 question for idiom. Except above, we can link to other English Website to listen English song, stories. But, these contents may be difficult to my son's syllbus. But, my son and his sister are enjoy these web-site even though they do not understand.:funny:
Everyday, my son can do all questions by himself that means he don't need me to help him. If I have time, I will teach him about the idiom.
我覺得這"英語每日一篇"可以幫仔仔鞏固到學過的英文,雖然沒有交費,都要鼓勵他多上多做,even thought there is only one question.
Quote:原文章由 homingm 於 08-3-26 17:33 發表 我o既意思係以前英語每日一篇會多d題目,範圍也較多,而家好多時都只係一條題目咁,一條題目都只可取20分。不過聽其他媽咪講好似如果有參加o左比$$果d就會多d題目,所以會高分d?-(
呀仔之前都有check過眼仔,幸好暫時都未有 ...
[ 本文章最後由 2005wingma 於 08-3-27 09:39 編輯 ]