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2005wingma | 2007-07-26 23:23
Hi, How are you (every mami)? So long no see.
I am taking holidays this week. 十分充實,書展仲去了
sat (half day)和 last day (full day). Sat 帶亞仔去,一去到又話肚餓又話tired! Really trouble!:chair: So, I made decision to go there alone at last day of the bookfair. Really soft and free! :-) 還有很多收護,終於買了中英文字典給亞仔,Mainly I bought these books last day. So, the exercises have not a lot of choices. Just only bought two from the Classroom series for my son. 仲係2下和3下,見那麽多人買, 自己唔買翻一兩本exercises 好似很輸c。不過 these two books are very low prices. Only ten dollar for one.:hammer:

Quote:原文章由 shan-mama 於 07-7-25 23:07 發表
我星期五晚上8:30去左書展,一啲都唔迫好暢順wor,同你一樣買左的exercises & story books,起碼75折好底啞:-) :-) :-) :-)

ywtmama | 2007-07-28 16:14
亞女終於完成了暑期作業, 本來暑假好想大家抖抖,但見
到佢做習作時, 好多中文字都唔記得, 英文串字亂七八糟:chair: ,不得不去溫習, 現在我開始要佢抄課文,英文串生字(二年級)起碼到開學都有d概念, 令我最茅盾是串字,
兩位教英文的導師都叫我唔好用圖像記憶方法, 亞女幼稚園開始我已經用這方法同她串字, 我試過用拼音,她好快
2005wingma | 2007-07-31 10:09


Thanks for your CD! It's very useful. 很容易上口,My son can recite all the multiplier now. 有無時間上來藍田呢?我搵位請你飲茶。

In fact, 抄課文 is one method and picture memory is second method. 我覺得用什麼method也可以,只要你囡囡bind這套便可,is it?

Quote:原文章由 ywtmama 於 07-7-28 16:14 發表
亞女終於完成了暑期作業, 本來暑假好想大家抖抖,但見
到佢做習作時, 好多中文字都唔記得, 英文串字亂七八糟:chair: ,不得不去溫習, 現在我開始要佢抄課文,英文串生字(二年級)起碼到開學都有d概念, 令我最茅盾是 ...
[ 本文章最後由 2005wingma 於 07-7-31 10:11 編輯 ]
homingm | 2007-07-31 18:12
o岩o岩帶D仔去完黃金海岸酒店渡完假返來,又食又玩,小朋友玩得好開心:-P 我仔都未做完暑期作業,我稔都係時候要完成了:-o
ywtmama | 2007-07-31 19:38
好開心, 亞女現在背哂1-9lu, 現在背得嚟
homingm | 2007-08-01 10:46

2005wingma | 2007-08-01 13:14

我都想約埋其他媽咪一齊飲茶,我們都相識了一年,都係時侯聚一聚,有無其他媽咪有興趣呢?:pint: 新來的也可以。:wave:
But I have not idea where and what time it is fit for every mum.
我就想Sat or Sun. There is a Maxim restaurant or a new Chinese restaurant ( not yet open now) which are near Kai Tin Estate. And, there is a restaurant (forgot the name) near Lam Tin MTR. You may select morning tea or afternoon tea but I can't stay after 4:00pm at Sat. Because it's time for my son going to some course. If you don't mind you arrive the restaurant so far. You can go to the restaurant at Tak Tin Estate. The afternoon tea is only $4.5/plate after 2:30pm Have any suggestion? Have some mum interest to join the gathering.:oops:

Quote:原文章由 ywtmama 於 07-7-31 19:38 發表
好開心, 亞女現在背哂1-9lu, 現在背得嚟
都啱,大概十一月到 ...
[ 本文章最後由 2005wingma 於 07-8-1 13:17 編輯 ]
心美 | 2007-08-01 16:30
心美 | 2007-08-01 16:33

飲茶預埋我:mrgreen: 我SAT & SUN 下午都應該得閒:cheeze:
2005wingma | 2007-08-01 16:41
Yes, I see. Now, I am waiting other mums:hammer: .

Quote:原文章由 心美 於 07-8-1 16:33 發表

飲茶預埋我:mrgreen: 我SAT & SUN 下午都應該得閒:cheeze:

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