德田兆強好, 還是平田李兆強好

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LIUALICE | 2007-09-25 11:04
請問知唔知德田李兆強小學好D, 還是平田李兆強小學好D,可否分別俾些意見, 同埋有冇精英班, 幾時會舉辦, 感謝
treeisgreen | 2007-12-29 18:43
德田有62% band 1組別(升中/06-07)
平田有54% band 1組別(升中/06-07)
Federica | 2008-01-11 12:02
但有些人說: “德田是以前的下午校, 平田是上午校, 當然是上午校好過下午校。”
jhuiwong | 2008-01-11 20:36

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Lee Shiu Keung P.M. session got better result than AM,session in the past. and now these two schools seperated into two independent schools. Which one is better now? You must compare them in many different aspects. It is hard to say which ine is better because you need find out what you want for your child .