School Uniform of Grandmont

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mercy_mama | 2006-11-11 21:46
Hi, everyone,
My son will change school on Jan.
I just buy the uniform few months ago, it's still 100% new, anyone interested???
RyanDaddy | 2006-11-12 19:28
Hello everybody,

Long time no surfing this web.
I'm so sad that our previous discussion had been erased.

Hi mercy_mama,

I'm sorry for disturbing you something.

Why you determined your son transferred to other
school ?
Had you found any problem in Grandmont or
you have found a better / more suitable / good
prospect school for your son ?

My son was a graduate last year.
My wife sister's son and brother's daughter
are also learning in P.1 this year in Grandmont.
I want to know if you've found any problem in Grandmont. Then I could remind them for paying more alert in advance.

Hoping your son would adapte in new school as
soon as possible.

mercy_mama | 2006-11-12 23:11
Hi RyanDaddy,

Grandmont is really a very good school, even my son's conduct & studies both are not good, but teh teachers still verp patient.

After my husband be promoted in his company and then he always need to work overseas, so I just buy a flat in Homantin that near my parent (because I still have a 3 yrs old daughter, if my husband not in HK, I need to go to work/studies and take care them myself). It's very hard to do so.

This decision really very hard to me.At the beginning, I planned my son to continue study in Grandmont, but he need to wake up at 5:45 in morning and arrive home around 4:00, so he can't have any school activities.

I also miss Grandmont very much, but :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
mercy_mama | 2006-11-12 23:15
My son have some study problem (lack of concentration), so other child use 2 hrd to he need 5 hrs to do so. I hope he can have more time to rest and join more extra activities, so I changed another school that near my new home.

I miss teachers very much. :-(
goodboy1969 | 2006-11-13 15:24
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goodboy1969 | 2006-11-13 19:14
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mercy_mama | 2006-11-13 22:58

Thanks for your reply.
I feel happy that you said I am right, as I talk with my other parents, they disagree with me.

I know Grandmont is a very very good school, also the banding of my son's new school is greatly lower that Grandmont. :-| :-| In this few weeks, I can't sleep at night. This decision really hard to me. :cry: :cry: :cry: .

Hope my son will be fine in the new school. Also hope all your children will also be good.

Thanks for your support, it's so touching to me. As my husband also disagree with me. Hope it's really right to my son.
RyanDaddy | 2006-11-15 09:15
Hi mercy_mama,

對不起, 誤會了你的意思.
比點信心自己, 我都覺得你的決定是正確.
再配合照顧小朋友的時間,人物 和地點.
其次才是 Banding 的選擇.

要多一點和 your husband 溝通架,
最重要是要互相支持. 男人在外面打拚,
同樣地, 太太在家照顧, 老公亦要體諒.
都想太太和囝囝 Share 下 和認同我架.

聽聞你囝囝的情況, 好似有醫生可治療的.
真的是辛苦哂, 但不要灰心. 正面去面對.

RyanDaddy | 2006-11-15 09:20
Goodboy 1969,

Sorry for no talking with you many time.
Because I really so 黑仔 for past months.
So my 心情 really so down.
More time later, I would share with you.


goodboy1969 | 2006-11-15 18:30
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