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kychu132 | 2007-11-01 22:21
請問有沒有人可以提供意見, 因為兩間學校都有獨特理念, 而且也接納我兒子申請, 真的既意外又興奮.:-?
AliceC | 2007-11-20 00:14

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Hi, kychu132

I think you should be the only one who can answer this question.
Could you review why did you choose these two? What do you believe is the most important thing/issue for educating your child?

For me, I think "spiritual" education is the most important on top of all other things e.g. academic results....so I choose ICQM.

Cheers, Alice

Quote:原文章由 kychu132 於 07-11-1 22:21 硐表
請問有沒有人可以提供意見, 因為兩間學校都有獨特理念, 而且也接納我兒子申請, 真的既意外又興奮.:-?