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pkmama | 2007-09-08 11:11
fannyyu | 2007-09-08 21:51
hi pkmama,
my gal at 2a. she was just the same last year. chat more!
yanga | 2007-09-10 00:27
My daughter is studying in 2C.
Hope we can share more about the school.
pkmama | 2007-09-11 00:31
smilejackie | 2007-09-29 10:01

阿女是2光班; 剛默完英文, 對她來說, 覺得很困難, 很多都不懂, 不記得! 她還自誇可以有A, 我心想:「你合格已是萬幸!」

我喜歡2光班主任, 因她批改功課很仔細; 阿女的字體不齊整, 老師會用顏色筆將強調要更改的筆劃寫出來, , 要她改正, 不夠好, 再改正; 難得謝老師花這麼多時間去執學生的字體, 這是我支持的!

各位2年班媽咪, 希望大家有機會面談!
fannyyu | 2007-09-30 11:13
any 2A parents? we are having chinese dictation next weds, but, my gal haven't written down any of the chapters to review. should we study all the 4 chapters?
billion thanks!
flong | 2007-09-30 23:56
Quote:原文章由 fannyyu 於 07-9-30 11:13 硐表
any 2A parents? we are having chinese dictation next weds, but, my gal haven't written down any of the chapters to review. should we study all the 4 chapters?
billion thanks!

flong | 2007-10-01 00:00
Quote:原文章由 fannyyu 於 07-9-30 11:13 硐表
any 2A parents? we are having chinese dictation next weds, but, my gal haven't written down any of the chapters to review. should we study all the 4 chapters?
billion thanks!

fannyyu | 2007-10-01 11:41
hi flong,
billion thanks! the chapter 2 is really hard to study ar! :verycold: she doesn't have to study all the 4 chapters lar :-)
thank U very much!
smilejackie | 2007-10-20 17:16
星期四的家教會, 原本時間趕不及,幸好最後15分鐘都出席了; 今年相比上年有氣氛很多, 因大家為了渠務署的工程, 都很熱烈地討論及提意見, 總之, 大家要有心理預備, 該工程開展後, 小朋友會經常聽到爆炸聲了!:weapon:

並且泥頭車不絕, 該工程約需5, 慘喇! 阿女的氣管敏感如何是好呢!:-o :-( [ 本文章最後由 smilejackie 於 07-10-20 17:17 編輯 ]
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