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saumei | 2006-09-07 08:41
唔該晒. 放心晒.

那六本 story books 是留在家中的, 不用帶回校直至另行通知. 我都打算間唔中用生果代替餅 (或二樣都帶少少).

問過一個高年班家長, 佢話測考通告是適用於全級 (不肯定是否全校)的, 所以要再配合各自的時間表; 不會 cover 整個 week 的. :oops:

另外每次測默前都會有通告 / 寫手冊通知家長的, 要簽名的, 所以不用太擔心會 miss. (是叫我自己不用太擔心 !)

你們有沒有 join 學校的課外活動課程? 我未報, 有沒有好介紹?
fannyyu | 2006-09-07 11:35
hei hohomami / saumei,
you both are lucky. my gal came back home with the school bag even heavier than the morning time. only 2 books left at school, all others return back, plus there's 5 more books gave back from the book store.........i carried it for my gal when i picked her up. i felt impossibly heavy to myself!
the 6 story books, ya, that's what my gal told me so.
today's bag is a little better compare to yesterdays' :lol:
all the best ar / fannyyu
smilejackie | 2006-09-07 12:19
Dear all,
Thanks for your information!

I let her bring all story books to school because she do not know which books need or not :-o

Fortunately, My daughter are willing to carry her heavy school bag and lunch box, but mama is afraid of rickets.
fannyyu | 2006-09-07 13:11
hello smilejackie,
except the chinese exercise book, did your gal leave any other exercise books at school yesterday?
i've seen that hohomama's kid had left all the exercise books in school......it's a half weight cut!
i worry that maybe my gal didn't know that she could leave those books at school.......please kindly advise!

my gal ate the school lunch box ar. your gal is a strong one - good kid :lol:
saumei | 2006-09-07 14:19
Hi all,

After storing some textbooks & exercise books, and bring just today's stuffs, I found her bags weight half less than yesterday's.

My girl insists to bring the school bag by herself, just the mother is worrying about the bad effect on her spine growth, anyone could tell what is the maximum weight a child could carry with no harm to his growth ??

Again, any ECA (Extra-curriculum activities) you've joined at school ? Any suggestions ?
smilejackie | 2006-09-07 19:32
其實我都不記得她有多少本書及作業留在學校, 但今天放學時, 書包已沒有作業簿了!

今天的功課, 她在學校已完成數學, 回家只做英文, 做及檢查只消10分鐘, 媽媽非常開心(以往做功課是她其中一個大問題), 好的開始! :-D

小女說除了喜歡袁老師外, 就是教常識的許老師了, 她說很喜歡這個常識課目, 內容及老師都很有趣.

另外, 阿女話 : Mr. Patrick 會離開, 有一位新外籍老師替代; 這幾天, 接放學時, 見到有個外籍男老師與Mr. Patrick一起歡送小朋友, 可能就是他!

阿女說見到這個新老師邊行路, 邊將自己件衫放入褲內,真搞笑!

fannyyu | 2006-09-07 21:26
hi smilejackie,
ya, today's bag is having more weight less lor! all exercise books have been left at school. i picked her up today felt much better on my shoulder :)

ee, your gal has gotten to know mr. patrick already? they'll have oral class on monday, i thought they would meet their native teacher on that day!

i will ask mine tmrw to see if she is telling the same thing.....she went to bed lar!

yanga | 2006-09-10 23:21
fannyyu 寫道:
hei hohomami / saumei,
you both are lucky. my gal came back home with the school bag even heavier than the morning time. only 2 books left at school, all others return back, plus there's 5 more books gave back from the book store.........i carried it for my gal when i picked her up. i felt impossibly heavy to myself!
the 6 story books, ya, that's what my gal told me so.
today's bag is a little better compare to yesterdays' :lol:
all the best ar / fannyyu

乜有5本新書咩? 我囡囡帶左4本番屋企咋???? 大家有無點算過, 究竟仲有邊幾本書未俾我們?
michaelpow | 2006-09-11 22:44
saumei 寫道:

小一真家長: smilejackie, fannyyu

小一光家長: saumei, hohomami

小一星家長: yanga

小一善家長:michaelpow :-D
chanyeung | 2006-09-12 18:55
Hi yanga,

My girl is in the same class as yours, Class 1C, right ?

You're right, there were only 4 new books distributed last week and I think there is still one not yet available (or missing ??) If I remember correctly, it should be a Chinese workbook for next term.
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