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alwynmami | 2006-09-21 22:03
各位豬媽~ 據我所知1b2 已經出o左 有關o既英文默書範圍 (我上網睇o既呢 ~ :roll: ) , 但我等了又等1b1都係未有消息, 大家知唔知呢? 唔係應該一樣o既咩~ 8-)
winnielam2003 | 2006-09-26 17:51
The syllabus for Dictation was stated as P.1 to P.4 but other class stated as P.1 and P.4.

Can anyone clarify ?
大頭明 | 2006-09-26 23:12

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winnielam2003 寫道:
The syllabus for Dictation was stated as P.1 to P.4 but other class stated as P.1 and P.4.

Can anyone clarify ?

why dont you ask the class teacher?