ST Paul Co-ed Primary School

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2imon | 2007-06-12 14:13
Does anybody want to say something about St.Paul co-ed Primary School ? Good or bad ? :-?
Hellodaddy | 2007-06-15 16:38
臭豬豆 | 2007-06-26 14:10

Any parents can share some information?


臭豬豆 | 2007-06-26 14:11
我都想知d功課深吾深,難吾難讀. How many class in P.1?
Any parents can share some information?


beaclem | 2007-08-22 14:03
小一、小二唔深, 屬於愉快學習果隻

不過佢地會係五年內讀曬六年既課程 (校長話既), 第六年係溫習。

我諗佢地初小唔會太深, 但係高小就會深番D
beaclem | 2007-08-22 14:10
Quote:原文章由 Hellodaddy 於 07-6-15 16:38 發表

舊年約1900人考150個位, 如果係有兄姊在學校讀書, 或父母係舊生, 就會機會大D, 但無任何關係就要睇面試表現。
beaclem | 2007-08-22 14:12
Quote:原文章由 2imon 於 07-6-12 14:13 發表
Does anybody want to say something about St.Paul co-ed Primary School ? Good or bad ? :-?

Very Good School and put much much effort on children.
lemontrees | 2007-09-17 09:30
Quote:原文章由 beaclem 於 07-8-22 14:10 硐表

舊年約1900人考150個位, 如果係有兄姊在學校讀書, 或父母係舊生, 就會機會大D, 但無任何關係就要睇面試表現。

There was 120 seats for 2007/08. They are going to add one more P1 class casue they are going to move to a bigger campus in July. Therefore it has higher chance for 2008/09 year where there are 150 seats (5 classes).
小虎媽 | 2007-10-16 10:33

Can you tell where the school will move to?

Quote:原文章由 lemontrees 於 07-9-17 09:30 硐表

There was 120 seats for 2007/08. They are going to add one more P1 class casue they are going to move to a bigger campus in July. Therefore it has higher chance for 2008/09 year where there are 150 ...

beaclem | 2007-10-16 13:23
The school will move to Wong Chuk Hang on next school year.

Quote:原文章由 小虎媽 於 07-10-16 10:33 硐表

Can you tell where the school will move to?

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