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娘親 | 2006-11-22 23:36
Dear all,

Hello, my son has been luckily admitted to be a P.1 student in 07 in Kei Yan. I think I can get your valuable information and sharings about the school in the coming years.

Dear cy,
Thank you for your previous sharings and advices. Very glad to have chance being in the same school with you.


娘親 :wave: :cheeze:
since | 2006-11-23 08:41
Hi, 娘親,

Welcome, Welcome!
B媽 | 2006-11-23 19:59
Welcome!! :pint: :pint:
HinMa | 2006-11-27 10:06

B媽 寫道:
Welcome!! :pint: :pint:

娘親 | 2006-11-28 22:08
Hello, HinMa,

I think my son has 20 marks. (I submit my baptist card but I'm not sure it is qualified for religion mark.)
Fideria | 2008-06-16 12:55

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My son's was getting lucky draw from Gov't for Li Sing Primary school. I just wanted to know. 李陞& 基恩 which school will be better. Did any mom know that school have different? Please advice.