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gin_hello | 2009-03-20 22:26
程度深唔深, 功課多唔多. 小朋友讀得開唔開心. 請現在小朋友讀緊依間學校家長幫幫手:lol: 唔該
lorettaleung | 2009-03-25 13:56
I would like to know more details about this school, does anyone giveus more details? Did anyone has bad experience about thisschool? Kindly advise.
yhelena | 2009-04-04 18:18
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
yhelena | 2009-04-04 18:21
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yhelena | 2009-04-04 20:37
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yhelena | 2009-04-04 23:51
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contekong | 2009-04-07 10:41
剛剛致電學校改了派位不是私校, 真是無奈!因本人不是住它校網內!
stone888 | 2009-06-01 14:36
My son is a P.2 stundent at this school. My son study happily in this school.
Regarding homework----not too much and most of the time my son can complete all homeworks at school.
Regarding teachers---my experience is not bad and I like the style of their teaching using 預防教育法
However if you like a school which like to 操成績, than it is not your cup of tea.

Reply to contekong; if you really like this school, you still can try to ask.
bkfans123 | 2009-06-02 13:42
Quote:原帖由 stone888 於 09-6-1 14:36 發表
My son is a P.2 stundent at this school. My son study happily in this school.
Regarding homework----not too much and most of the time my son can complete all homeworks at school.
Regarding teachers- ...

hello 你好
請問咩係 '預防教育法'呢 ?
stone888 | 2009-06-03 17:04
預防教育法的原則 預防教育法由聖若望鮑思高所提倡,在他的學校內實施,而成效非常顯著,受到各方面的認同和接受。這教育法有幾個大原則:

1. 預防勝於治療

我們要竭盡所能把學生放在一個良好及健康的學習環境,時常有導師亦師亦友般的在學生身邊,提攜、鼓勵和關心他們,令他們沒有學壞、變壞的危險 和機會。

2. 用理由說服學生


3. 以宗教信仰薰陶學生


4. 以真誠的愛心打動學生的心


5. 積極、愉快、樂觀、進取、創新的做人態度


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