Dorisli | 2006-06-11 20:08 |
Deall ALL, already handed in apps + profile, really need info for interview, please help!! My poor son now stucked with 4th pick - 聖馬可小學, really have no faith at all. :wave: |
contonhk | 2006-06-16 14:59 |
Me too, same case as you !:oops: Do u hv any news for interview? For security, we did apply 慈幼私立, did u? |
Kingofiu | 2006-06-18 06:16 |
still awaiting......... |
Dorisli | 2006-07-01 18:16 |
Just received the letter for interview on 06Jul, need to bring along pencil & colors.... how 'bout U :roll: |
Dorisli | 2006-07-18 02:54 |
We did it, my son will register on 21st....whata relief. How 'bout U? |
Xanthe | 2006-07-19 18:15 |
:pint: :pint: |
HABB | 2006-07-24 22:34 |
我記得當年我考基灣時(廿幾年前), 加減數同埋英文字母同生字唔係難, 最難係最後o個part, 聆聽講故事(大約10分鐘瓜), 佢會俾16個空格你, 聽完故仔會叫你填番d數字落去, 但唔好以為easy, 實情係....... 例如個故仔會講豬媽媽幫小豬開生日會, 咁蛋糕上面插左6支candle, 咁之後一路講落去, 完左之後就問問題啦, 填番落去16個格度, 第1題, 小豬今年幾多歲? 填第1格 係咪好難呢對於小朋友, 因為佢個故仔係話插左幾多支candle, 唔係講明佢幾多歲, 未開過生日會同埋轉數慢d都死 :weapon: |