alicepooh | 2007-04-29 01:12 |
我正考慮俾個仔入基灣,想問下各家長以下問題: 1.基灣的功課量如何? 2.學生的成績很好,學生會否因而有很大的壓力? 3.老師的教學態度如何? |
nopss | 2007-04-29 03:24 |
Quote: alicepooh 寫道: 我正考慮俾個仔入基灣,想問下各家長以下問題: 1.基灣的功課量如何? 2.學生的成績很好,學生會否因而有很大的壓力? 3.老師的教學態度如何? 回答 Ans 1 請查看網上的家課冊。 |
Kingofiu | 2007-05-02 10:34 |
Quote: alicepooh 寫道: 我正考慮俾個仔入基灣,想問下各家長以下問題: 1.基灣的功課量如何? 2.學生的成績很好,學生會否因而有很大的壓力? 3.老師的教學態度如何? 回答 Ans 2, It's all depend on the student & the family member who acts as the supporting role. I believed pressure only created by human (student OR parent??). Beside sending the child to a "good" school, are you ready to support/guide him/her to find the"path". It's a long journey which the school + family + the student have to closely liase to make it happen. GOOD LUCK :lol: |