0708 二年級家長交流站!

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yanni-ma | 2007-09-05 11:49
各位家長你好嗎? 經過閃電般快和忙碌的暑假,又開學啦! 又要6點幾爬起床,開始新的一頁,小兒經過一年級的洗禮,希望在二年級可以醒醒定定,平平安安,一路順風啦渡過這一年!:-)
yanni-ma | 2007-09-05 11:53
你地幫小朋友報什麼學校的課外活動? 我今年膽粗粗幫佢報左西樂,下星期一做測試,看看是否適合。有無小朋友去年已在學校學西樂? 玩什麼樂器?
terencemom | 2007-09-05 15:05
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bonme | 2007-09-05 17:54
My daughter is in 2A faith, with the same class teacher as 1A. How about, 2 Hope and 2 Honesty, are they with the same class teacher as P.1?
yanni-ma | 2007-09-06 00:00

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Quote:原文章由 bonme 於 07-9-5 17:54 硐表
My daughter is in 2A faith, with the same class teacher as 1A. How about, 2 Hope and 2 Honesty, are they with the same class teacher as P.1?

Hi! Long time no see!:cheeze: 2 Honesty with the same class teacher as 1Honesty.