ac02 | 2007-10-26 14:40 |
Quote:原文章由 Terry280905 於 07-10-25 17:58 硐表 都好呀! 我也問吓阿仔先. 收工 LA, BYE-BYE! Terry : 琴晚問過阿女; 佢都唔知點考法呀! 佢話已做過, 唔會照出同一篇文章喎! 如果唔係背佐佢都得啦!(佢咁答我)。經過分析, 我估好似中文科一樣, 只是有閲讀理解部份咁樣囉! Terry 妳話我估得有幾成似呢? |
Terry280905 | 2007-10-26 14:50 |
Terry280905 | 2007-10-29 09:22 |
AC02, 早晨! 您今天沒有請假嗎? 我請了今明的下午. 不過阿仔今年very 心散, 昨天都不肯溫, 掛住玩LEGO. |
ac02 | 2007-10-29 09:50 |
Terry280905 | 2007-10-29 10:31 |
Terry280905 | 2007-10-29 11:09 |
ac02, 仔仔說有兩題中文造句不夠時間做,(might be 10 marks each) 一定沒有70 marks or above. 常識都有不識, might be the paper will be difficult than P.1? 死啦! 佢P.1 未試過 tim ka. So worry! |
fullyhappy | 2007-10-29 17:28 |
Terry280905 | 2007-10-30 11:45 |
Deal all, Good Morning! 阿仔回家說 last page 的閱讀理解全部都唔識 , 全部都係撞, 看來今年的paper真的有難度. How about your kinds ? May you share with me? |
ac02 | 2007-10-30 12:59 |
samanthat38 | 2007-10-30 13:00 |
Hi every mami, My son also told me that 常識有一個部份唔識,話實會考得好差,我問什麼,他又忘了,淨糸話我無同佢温答問題!!! 我都唔知佢講セ.課外題:佢都話唔識. Yesterday, he told me that he havnt write any words for these question each 2 marks. 10 Question, total : 20 marks.:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: He told me that he really dont know how to answer it. But he forget everything of what kind of the question? Anyone know what of the question? Otherwise, we must wait the paper back!!! Ex : As Terry, I ask him to do some ex which I brought from bookshop and some is the his workbook/book and rub out the answer, then he can do it again. And I find some question of Math school web for question and some item of the Math for him to review. But yesterday the computer is down of my home. So, my planning is change. I ask him to do the test book of school for Maths today (the last 3 test in pencils.) So, bad today, the cinese handwriting pad is problem also.:angryfire: :angryfire: So, only type in English. [ 本文章最後由 samanthat38 於 07-10-31 10:31 編輯 ] |