Quote:原文章由 Terry280905 於 07-10-30 18:17 硐表
您通常會比那些 ex 給他放學後做呢? 我會比佢地以前做過的 exercises + 自己買的ex.
Hi Terry,
我都糸買現成ex,同擦咗平時wookbook answer, ask him to do again. 但Maths school web also have some ex such as 每日一篇和個別chapter with ex.
唉哎!!!原來阿仔常識10條question all hvnt answer any words. But he forget what about it.激死:angryfire: :angryfire:
If anyone know what is it due to I really cant believe how difficult for him for he dont answer anything. Otherwise, he need to wait until the testpaper back.
Chinese : Today he told me that not enough time to do the Compension. Believe P.2 is really difficult than P.1 so much!!! What about yours kids?
Anyway, the last sub tomorrow. We can take a rest. Do you agree?