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trendyclay | 2007-11-11 12:00
各位信義會既家長, 你地有無發覺好多學校都係二年級先開始用普通話教中文, 點解我地學校係由一年級開始呢??-(

我真係好想學校都可以比二年級或以上既學生都用普通話教中文, 因為我覺得對佢地寫作方面會好d, 各位家長又點睇呢?
cluk15hon | 2007-11-12 17:51

我覺得所有語言都是由小學比較容易. 就如一個嬰兒學說話.
不過, 我感到他們用的現代中國語文就比較深(以普教中). 因書本文字多. 如果由小一開始, 有些小朋友沒有一些基礎(普通話)就很吃力. 所以有些方面需要改善.


Quote:原文章由 trendyclay 於 07-11-11 12:00 硐表
各位信義會既家長, 你地有無發覺好多學校都係二年級先開始用普通話教中文, 點解我地學校係由一年級開始呢??-(

我真係好想學校都可以比二年級或以上既學生都用普通話教中文, 因為我覺得對佢地寫作方面會好d, 各位家 ...

fullyhappy | 2007-11-12 23:25
Quote:原文章由 cluk15hon 於 07-11-12 17:51 硐表

我覺得所有語言都是由小學比較容易. 就如一個嬰兒學說話.
不過, 我感到他們用的現代中國語文就比較深(以普教中). 因書本文字多. 如果由小一開始, 有些小朋友沒有一些基礎(普通話)就很吃力. 所以有些方面 ...

Dear all

Don't worry, I think the school would concern who could follow up and who could not follow up this pattern for P.1.
I really great happy to know the school have this plan for p.1 and I ask why it could not apply for existing p.2,3... but I have no choice. They said it is regarding for the school resources and could not studenly to change for all studient. So, I think the school has the serious consideration for the change and it must have the follow up action with the parents.
samanthat38 | 2007-11-13 00:22
Quote:原文章由 fullyhappy 於 07-11-12 23:25 硐表

Dear all

Don't worry, I think the school would concern who could follow up and who could not follow up this pattern for P.1.
I really great happy to know the school have this plan for p.1 and I ask ...

Hi everymami,

I also ask same question as the topic of why dont start on P.2 as may schools. The teacher answer me that P.1 is for testing only and review the result. And the mainly problem is they are not enough supporting for P.2 due to the parent will be compare the chinese result of P.1. So, they decide to try it in P.1 first due to they havnt any record before. Anyway, it is good for the changing of the school for us. And hope they will be review after the 1st term.
Terry280905 | 2007-11-13 09:35
早晨, 各位媽咪,

我都希望學校在來年會實施P.2 以上全級 "以普教中".
I trust that mandarian is more important than English
for the future. Nowadays, students must to learn
this subject in USA.
cluk15hon | 2007-11-13 12:58
Terry Ma,

As per the information fm the Principle that the student for P.2 or over (this year) that means our sons that will not "以普教中". It is cfmd by the Principle on the talk on 30/10/2007 morning. (家校嫻談). It will only start fm P.1 student for this years.

Quote:原文章由 Terry280905 於 07-11-13 09:35 硐表
早晨, 各位媽咪,

我都希望學校在來年會實施P.2 以上全級 "以普教中".
I trust that mandarian is more important than English
for the future. Nowadays, students must to learn
this subject in USA. ...

Terry280905 | 2007-11-13 13:10
Quote:原文章由 cluk15hon 於 07-11-13 12:58 硐表
Terry Ma,

As per the information fm the Principle that the student for P.2 or over (this year) that means our sons that will not "以普教中". It is cfmd by the Principle on the talk on 30/10/2007 mor ...

How about the school year of YR08/09 ?
(when our son in P.3)

Any more new from Principal on 30/10/2007.
Could you tell us more? [ 本文章最後由 Terry280905 於 07-11-13 13:12 編輯 ]
cluk15hon | 2007-11-13 13:21
以普教中只是由今年的小一開始. 其他各班級就不會實行.
再說 有關校車, 午飯供應商, 普輔, 以普教中, 代課問題等等.

Quote:原文章由 Terry280905 於 07-11-13 13:10 硐表

How about the school year of YR08/09 ?
(when our son in P.3)

Any more new from Principal on 30/10/2007.
Could you tell us more?

ac02 | 2007-11-13 14:24
Quote:原文章由 cluk15hon 於 07-11-13 13:21 硐表
以普教中只是由今年的小一開始. 其他各班級就不會實行.
再說 有關校車, 午飯供應商, 普輔, 以普教中, 代課問題等等.

Hi Candy :

唔好意思先! 其實我先生本想出席"家校嫻談"講座, 但最後都抽不到時
間出席! 我想問吓關於校車方面--> 校長系呢方面有什麼講呢?

cluk15hon | 2007-11-15 12:21
上學時,校車是不在校舍內停泊, 而是在校門外出讓他們自行
返校. (但是保母車姨姨會幫忙下車). 除了下大雨,校車才駛進校舍.

Quote:原文章由 ac02 於 07-11-13 14:24 硐表

Hi Candy :

唔好意思先! 其實我先生本想出席"家校嫻談"講座, 但最後都抽不到時
間出席! 我想問吓關於校車方面--> 校長系呢方面有什麼講呢?


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