小一生蝦小四生 (第三頁)

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melodychan2003 | 2007-12-21 12:16
請記住 你個女 做得o岩既話你落去學校同我對質都唔係問題啊 !! 點解要比咁多藉口啫 !! 我都叫自己個女見到個小一既小朋友都行遠d啊 !!(為怕麻煩啊 !!) 我真係怕我個女返學返得唔開心啊 !! 小一都可以蝦小四既學生 !!
cluk15hon | 2007-12-21 12:47

I know this should talked about the school bus no.1.
I want all the mummy will take care their child when they are younger. But the most important thing should lead them how to do the right things.

似身作則. 所謂 身教. :lol:

Otherwise, how they will do after they grow up.

Quote:原文章由 melodychan2003 於 07-12-21 12:16 發表
請記住 你個女 做得o岩既話你落去學校同我對質都唔係問題啊 !! 點解要比咁多藉口啫 !! 我都叫自己個女見到個小一既小朋友都行遠d啊 !!(為怕麻煩啊 !!) 我真係怕我個女返學返得唔開心啊 !! 小一都可以蝦小四既學生 ...

melodychan2003 | 2007-12-21 14:09

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最慘個d mummy 係lee 個社會做野既 都唔識咩叫身教嘛 !! 好可憐啊 !!