Quote:原帖由 Chickee 於 09-3-9 12:30 發表
students’ self-discipline needs to be further strengthened, in particular for the recess period in the primary section
... 因為優才係容許學生响小息時係自由跑動、儘情玩既, 可能教育局班高官, 唔係好習慣小息時, 上百人到處跑既場面掛 :wahaha::wahaha::wahaha: 我知道好多傳统名校, 係唔准學生亂跑既(包括小息); 優才認為小孩子喜歡跑係天性, 唔應該完全禁止, 容評學生响適當時係適當地方(小息/操場)自由跑動; 當然唔適當時候/唔適當地方, 優才學生都要嚴守紀律。
睇戲要睇全套, 要了解劇情, 梗係要留意全套戲既發展, 先可以了解上文下理; 有時淨係睇一小段戲, 係唔夠既, 你話係咪?
CR REPORT 都花左唔少篇幅, 講優才學生上堂情況同埋學校响德育方面做既野, 評價都好好, 節錄部份如下: ------------------------------------------- 學生質素及表現 - students are attentive, responsive and have good interaction with the teachers - most of students are motivated, demonstrated confidence and highly participatory in learning - follow closely teachers’ instructions in class and are serious in accomplishing assignments - students are pleasant, friendly and polite - have high sense of enjoyment in participating in learning and ECA in school - maintain a harmonious relationship with both peers and teachers - primary student leaders are responsible and are willing to serve their juniors - students’ overall punctuality is excellent & their attendance is good
品德及公民教育 - moral lessons, adolescent growth lessons, morning assemblies, activities such as ‘ Chinese Culture week’ and community services are rightly in place to foster students’ positive vales and attitude - elements of MCE are also briefly included in the teaching plans of most subjects - students’ behaviour is positively cultivated through various award scheme - class discipline competition and student participation in updating school rules have been properly implemented and students’ behaviour progressively improved - has developed a suitable school-based student support network which include development, preventive and remedial programs - a clear referral system is in place so that students’ misbehaviour can be promptly handled - the school has made good effort to provide personal counseling services to students - "Mentorship” and “Non-mentorship” programs have been devised to cater for the adolescent growth of secondary students - there is also personal sharing by the Principle and teachers in both morning and weekly assemblies
[ 本帖最後由 中天英 於 09-3-9 23:13 編輯 ]