優才小學 FAQ

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細BB | 2011-12-07 14:40
chez | 2012-01-10 11:16
Is it correct that the school starts at 8:10 am and ends at 3:30pm daily ? If ther are interest class after school, will the school bus pick yp the child to home ? Many thanks !!
中天英 | 2012-01-22 18:13

chez | 2012-02-24 10:09
回復 中天英 的帖子 Thanks for the information!

Iam very glad that the school has offer a place for my son. However, I am still a bit worry if my son can fit in well in the school as he is very shy and afraid to speak in front of people very much. His math ability is good , but language ability is relatively poorer.

中兄,請問這類小朋友在優才多唔多,他們又可否可開心地上學呢?例如學校是否有好多group project or presentation 要做?


iamderek | 2012-03-01 10:26
回復 chez 的帖子 中兄可能比較忙,不如我分享一下。小兒現在讀小三,so far 好似未做過 group project。因為全校人數較少,所以每個小朋友都有機會表演。例如:全部小二都會參加校際普通話朗誦的團體比賽、每年小朋友都會在班中個人音樂表演兩次、上年聖誕節各級都有到不同的公共場所音樂表演、再加上班內的小組活動,說話和表演的機會應該不少。


chez | 2012-03-02 10:06
回復 iamderek 的帖子 landerek, thanks a lot for the information. As expected, there are many opportunities for students to present or to perform. I hope that son can overcome his weaknesses as he grow older in future. of course, I don't expect GT teachers can do much to help my son, but at least I hope that both teachers and the school can accommodate this kind of shy students and will not have biase on him. Another reason for my concern is that I know a kid who has poor social skills withdrew from GT and switch to another school. I don't know the real reason behind, but understand that his academic performance is not bad at all.
iamderek | 2012-03-06 11:38
回復 chez 的帖子 每個小朋友都有自己的特性和背後的故事,但小兒和我所見的同學都很享受學校的生活,不害怕代表學校在公開場合表演。學校亦不會擔心同學的表演不好,而阻止用學校名義參加校際XX節。

chez | 2012-03-10 11:41
回復 iamderek 的帖子 好多謝你的中肯意見, 亦都好同意每位小朋友離開有自巳背後的原因.

我其實是很喜歡GT, 由interview那天, 井井有條的安排, 或多或少都睇到學校的管理能力, 我都去過不少其他school interview, GT是安排得很好, time control 一流. 當日見的老師雖年輕, 但感覺是很有熱承.

剛上完的parents talk, 印象最深刻的是校長開場時說學校不只是傳援knowledge, 而是學生對生命的培育&提昇. 真的, 現在知識有後多channels可學到, 由intermet, 不同的interest classes, 等. 很喜歡學校有德育老師, 專門設計不同的德育課. 我以前讀書就冇咁幸福了.

令我有hesistation 只是擔心兒子咁shy& 內向, 是否適合GT, 以及對中學部的情況所知很少, 僅限於中學的網址, 係BK的中學交流, 我找不到資料.

iamderek | 2012-03-10 19:02
回復 chez 的帖子 其實我對中學部都所知很少,下一年轉到TKO上學,希望會增加了解。但我比較相信peer group influence,多於school teaching。現在亞仔的同學質素很好,相信到升中時情況只會更好。

Laivy | 2012-05-17 12:29
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