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中天英 | 2008-06-27 01:32
係喎, 都係軍兄心水清, 呢位家長應該係問沙田至旺角校車至岩。

Quote:原文章由 軍魁星 於 08-6-27 01:24 發表

你問得 round 1 or round 2, 我估你係報小一, 09年小一全部在旺角, 但由沙田到旺角暫時未有校車. 09年就唔知.

smartkids2008 | 2008-08-22 10:27
Hi All GT Parents/future parents,

Could all of you kindly tell the different between GT and Ying Wah Primary coz I have disagreement with my spouse on these two schools. Of course I like GT more...

I understand that all primary school students will be accepted by Ying Wah College but not GT. Would it be your concern?

Thks in advance
中天英 | 2008-08-22 14:54
<< I understand that all primary school students will be accepted by Ying Wah College but not GT. Would it be your concern? >>

無錯, 直升優中要符合最低要求 但係我一 D 都唔担心喎。

其實升中要求定得好合理, 好寬鬆, 主科合格 ( 60分 ), 英文就 70分; 咁既要求唔係要挑選精英學生, 只係想升上優中既學生, 有足夠能力應付中學既課程。

如果我既小朋友 ( 我有兩個讀緊優小 ), 主科連 60分都冇, 我就會拿拿臨同佢地响外面搵程度合適既中學, 唔會讀優中囉; 因為優中既程度好高, 夾硬升上去, 双方都受苦 - 學生讀得辛苦, 老師教得辛苦 - 何必呢 !!!!

而家有大約八成幾既學生直升優中; 果一成幾响外面升中既, 又分兩部份, 有 D 係符合升中要求, 主動放棄既, 其他先至係唔符合升中要求既學生。

優才既升中要求, 係好透明既, 學生手册都有寫, 所有家長都知道; 其他學校有冇咁透明, 會唔會出爾反爾, 我就唔清楚喇。

Quote:原帖由 smartkids2008 於 08-8-22 10:27 發表
Hi All GT Parents/future parents,

Could all of you kindly tell the different between GT and Ying Wah Primary coz I have disagreement with my spouse on these two schools. Of course I like GT more...

[ 本帖最後由 中天英 於 08-8-23 22:51 編輯 ]
YanYansweetie | 2008-08-25 17:42
請問有無校車由青衣/荃灣到旺角校舍?如有, 車程約多久?

p.s. the above question has been posted in the "old link".
中天英 | 2008-08-26 00:30
校車就冇, 但好似有媬姆車咁話; 詳情你可以打电話返學校問陳偉傑主任或張永豐老師。

Quote:原帖由 YanYansweetie 於 08-8-25 17:42 發表
請問有無校車由青衣/荃灣到旺角校舍?如有, 車程約多久?

p.s. the above question has been posted in the "old link".

2001122 | 2008-09-04 11:54
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中天英 | 2008-09-06 01:15

Quote:原帖由 2001122 於 08-9-4 11:54 發表
Hi 中天英,

If the primary student can't catch the progress, will there be any special arrangement from school, say after-school tuition, etc...?

Thks for sharing!! ^^

fumiko | 2008-09-09 15:31
請問早上幾點要到學校? 旺角及將軍澳都想知.
如果由沙田出發, 未知早上幾點要出門口呢?
中天英 | 2008-09-11 01:29
旺角 - 8:30
將軍澳 - 8:10

附上07/08校車時間表, 供你參考, 具体路線/時間, 每年都有改動

Quote:原帖由 fumiko 於 08-9-9 15:31 發表
請問早上幾點要到學校? 旺角及將軍澳都想知.
如果由沙田出發, 未知早上幾點要出門口呢?

2001122 | 2008-09-12 10:03
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