香港浸信會聯會小學 - 急問

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Mikiwong | 2007-10-01 23:08
請問有小朋友於香港浸信會聯會小學就讀之家長,請問你們之小朋友於這所學校讀得辛苦嗎?是否有很多功課及學習評估?:adore: :adore: :adore: :adore: :adore:
mckong | 2007-10-02 18:49
Please check pm:-P
ivyhon | 2007-10-03 22:41
Hi mckong,
因小女亦交了form到這校. 我都好想知,可否告訴我. :-?
mckong | 2007-10-04 14:08
Please check pm:-P
tamama2007 | 2007-10-05 16:04
hi mckong,

I've applied this school.
would you pm me also? :oops:

thanks a lot.
bbbabies | 2007-11-19 17:04
Hi ,

Would you mind PM me also ?

mckong | 2007-11-20 09:12
Hi bbbabis,

My son is now in P.1. He enjoys his school life very much. He tells me the lessons are interesting.

Up to now, he has finished 2 Chinese assessments, one English assessment and one Maths assessment. Kids need to finish the paper(except the one in English because it is an speaking assessment). The marks won't be counted as part of the acadamic result. Only the marks of dictation will be included as part of the acadamic result.

In my son's class, kids are never asked to do penmanship( copybook only). There are worksheets(Chinese, Eng. & Maths) All of them are meaningfull.
The school emphasis on reading. Those readers are delivered according to their class number. Also, kids bring books back to school on Mon. & Thu. morning.
231423JY | 2008-01-22 13:03
hi, do u know students from this primary will going to which secondary school? is it also need to 大抽獎, & no 有連繫secondary school?
Megafish | 2008-01-22 21:09

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Quote:原文章由 231423JY 於 08-1-22 13:03 發表
hi, do u know students from this primary will going to which secondary school? is it also need to 大抽獎, & no 有連繫secondary school?

" students from this primary will going to which secondary school? " Pls check school web-site

And there is no 有連繫secondary school.