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ckw921 | 2004-05-29 21:19
san0530 | 2004-05-31 09:59
我個心都好亂呀!一次過要交三千多元,好像有點貴,始終這間不是我的心儀學校,但若不交又怕仔仔無書讀,我也不知怎麼做,希望有好心人教教我們如何應付。 :-(
gigi2 | 2004-05-31 10:19
Actually, this school only requires parents to register after 5th June which is reasonable. Before they only asked for $160 for place reservation until up to now. DSS and some other private schools even require parents to quit the central allocation. The point is that you will have no such dilemma if you can get your desirable place on 5th, but if you lose and your chance will become very minimal for getting place from desirable school at the third round by knocking doors. Kowloon Tong is private owned which we cannot expect the school will start registration and confirm the nos. of students in August.

eggeggma | 2004-05-31 10:41
agree with gigi2. Also the school needs the actual number to see how many places are left for the second round application, and starts preparing the P.1 prepartory course in July which is held every summer except last year's SARS summer.
Glau | 2004-05-31 11:13
ckw921 | 2004-05-31 15:06
Thanks all of u.

I just learnt from the school that we must buy the school uniforms, school bag from it. The order must be made on 8th. Seems inconsistent with those mentioned in the notce that we just received. Puzzled???
carollam310 | 2004-05-31 16:19
ckw921 | 2004-05-31 16:41
100% shared with your feeling! I'll try to pay as less as I can. Rather I would buy the school books later. Sometimes, I query whether it is too commercial to ask the parents for confirmation (by paying $$$) months before the school term starts. The stuff that we have to pay for now, I think, are readily available in each and every summer.
amaranth | 2004-05-31 22:58

san0530 | 2004-06-01 10:10

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