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淋雨 | 2005-12-07 21:17
謝謝! :wave:
Cutema | 2005-12-07 21:35
As far as I know, the following may be the reasons:

1. Good environment of school campus, open and big field;
2. Almost each kid in class is assigned with some responsibilities, e.g. class monitor, subject monitor, desk key holder...
3. The teacher will give coupon to encourage the kids who pay well attention in class, good performance in homework...
4. Almost every kid can choose at least one ECA, depending on the willing of the parent/kid.
5. In particular to the Chinese Lesson teaching through Mandarin.

:verycold: :verycold: :fighting1:
phoebe-lily | 2005-12-07 21:45
HI 淋雨

Good topic.
Hope more current KTS parents can jump in to share.
CD | 2005-12-07 21:47
How many students in a class?
開心B仔 | 2005-12-07 22:18
To my understanding, the principal of KTS is very agressive and abling to provide good leadership. Besides, encouragement and patience are also an indispensable element to help your kids studying in a happy and confident manner.

gigi2 | 2005-12-08 09:30
These are my personal comments:

1. It is a private school which can select its students based on its own principles

2. It is a private school which can have more flexibility and rooms for curriculum design

3. It is not the top school but a well-known school. Relatively, less pressure a bit in overall.

4. Cooperations from parents and students together with the excellent school environment and do a good exercise i.e. running, skipping etc. every morning in the campus is healthy to kids in terms of psycho and physical.

Finally, I would like to say no school is perfect including KTS. KTS teachers are nice and sincere but they also can be strict.
catcatmom | 2005-12-08 11:37
朋友家姐係中學教,佢家姐出名demanding and picky,佢都選左kts比佢大仔,甘係咪好好呢?應該不錯!
淋雨 | 2005-12-08 13:10

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Cutema 寫道:
2. Almost each kid in class is assigned with some responsibilities, e.g. class monitor, subject monitor, desk key holder...
3. The teacher will give coupon to encourage the kids who pay well attention in class, good performance in homework...

:verycold: :verycold: :fighting1:

kts給予機會讓各學生參與不同的職務,令他們有被受重視的感覺。加上,老師善用coupon作獎賞鼓勵「代幣酬賞制 token economy」 ,令學生更有動機和目標去做好自己。這樣,校方便可為學生創造個人的成就感。
