有無澳洲媽媽 ?大家可有澳洲雪梨小學介紹

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miccheung | 2006-11-29 20:41
So, should we consider Neutral Bay ? Daddy will work in city - just next to Town Hall station.
pigpig | 2006-11-30 01:41
miccheung ,
Chatswood是一個好的區,我自己係 Chatswood住過大約一年,D野係會貴D,但有好多中國人,我聽朋友講,話學校都唔錯的...
我朋友的囡囡依家係香港讀小一,但出年都會番去 Pymble Ladies College讀 ;-)
Today | 2006-11-30 10:10
Dear all,
I am looking for a secondary school for my boys who will continue his study after F.3 in Syndey. They are OZ citizen. Please advise some good choices for public school(both boys or coed). Any recommandation? Thanks.
Ka__Ying | 2006-11-30 13:25

Ka__Ying | 2006-11-30 13:27
i used to live in neutral bay, and my husband takes the bus to wynyard everyday (about 15mins - the 'express' bus). i remember there are buses that goes to town hall too. it sounds more convenient if you live along the northern suburbs train line (i.e. Chatswood would be a good choice, and it has a pretty big chinese community there, so it should be easier for you & your famiy).

as i mentioned before, if you're going to take the children back to HK, and want to keep up piano, better off pay a bit more & go to a private school. my sister studied at pymble ladies' college and she took up both piano & tennis lessons while attending school there from primary 5. i'm not sure about ballet lessons though. i think if you're serious to attend pymble ladies', it's worthwhile to call from HK ASAP... my sister was lucky to get in because we arranged meeting with the headmaster just before x'mas holiday, and got the acceptance just before the school staff goes on holiday. i know many friends who want to send the children/ sisters to pymble ladies' need to wait on waiting list.

For Today: for public boys' school, depends where you live. would suggest Epping Boys' High School, Killara High (co-ed), Randwick High. If your son's English is very good & has good report cards from HK, bring along and knock the doors of selective schools, the best one is James Ruse Argri. High School, North Syd Boys' is pretty good as well.
Today | 2006-11-30 16:00
Dear Ka_Ying,
Thank you so much for information. I will study the school one by one. It seems that you are very familiar with the situation in Sydney. May I know is there any web site I could get the most updated information? Once again, thanks for your sharing.
Ka__Ying | 2006-11-30 18:55
you're welcome. i just want to share with you my thoughts, and hope they're useful. i have gone through similar situation almost 10 years ago and i know how it feels. luckily at that time, i have some friends already settled down in Sydney so they could help me with accommodation & looking for a good school for my sister.

sorry i am not aware of any website for more updated information, but if you have any questions, don't be shy, just ask, there are lots of BK members willing to help.

just out of curiosity, have you considered sending your daughter to catholic or christian school?
Dommom | 2006-11-30 23:19
There is a book published by Sydney Morning Herald every year, listing all the schools in Sydney, and the categories of publc school, private school, selective public school, schools with boarding facilites, boy/girl schools, catholic schools...and exam results on HSC....etc. If you have friends going there, ask them to pick up one for you from any Newsagent.
Today | 2006-12-01 08:45
Thanks and I would try to get one.

Mine are boys and I prefer Christain school. Some of my relatives told me that govt subsidized or private schools would be better. But considering the costs, I still prefer public school. For high school, is it necessary to live within the school like the primary school?
Ka__Ying | 2006-12-01 08:55
Hi Today, yes, your boys need to live in the same area as the high school (just like govt. primary school)
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