samsam123321 | 2015-01-16 12:12 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 15-12-23 19:42 編輯 [/i]
del. |
亮燈 | 2015-01-16 12:15 |
Quote:原帖由 亮燈 於 15-01-16 發表![]() 哈哈…佩服 |
ANChan59 | 2015-01-16 12:18 |
Quote:原帖由 亮燈 於 15-01-16 發表![]() 哈哈…佩服 |
samsam123321 | 2015-01-16 12:18 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 15-1-16 12:28 編輯 [/i]
Anna White By Anna White, Property correspondent5:00AM GMT 28 Oct 2014 Comments97 Comments London has overtaken Hong Kong to become the most expensive city for high end, new build property - which has now reached a world record at £2,000 per square foot. The cost of a new build home, situated in the popular core of the UK's capital, has risen by 16pc over the last year, according to a report by property group, CBRE. The index has Hong Kong and New York in second and third place, with prime property costing £1,950 and £1,800 respectively. Jennet Siebritis, head of residential research at CBRE, cites the intense supply and demand imbalance in London as the main factor driving up prices in the city, which has increased in population by one million people since 2004. In contrast, the population of New York remained static. "People under-estimate the supply-demand imbalance," Ms Siebritis said. "For an increase of one million people only 200,000 homes have been built. That's a house for one in five people. "The pressure on price is so acute." While supply was an issue a decade ago, she continued, London has now become an "international" city attracting global companies and their employees, increasing the intensity for new build apartments in the capital's core. Global prime property prices have risen 9pc over the last year, compared to London's 16pc. As well as overseas investors stoking the housing market, the report found that there has also been a resurgence of domestic buyers - who now account for 52pc of transactions in the area. Over the last 30 years, London property prices have rocketed by 231pc, with the switch from manufacturing to a services-led economy, and world status of the UK's financial services industry, boosting real estate values. CBRE forecasts 30pc growth for prime central London property over the next five years despite talk of mansion tax and the traditionally dampening impact of a general election. However, over the last year, estate agent Strutt & Parker saw a 27pc fall in the number of sales in the prime boroughs of Kensington, Chelsea, Notting Hill, Belgravia, Mayfair, Knightsbridge and Fulham. This confirms a raft of indices that suggest, after a year of rapid house price growth, high end property in central London is cooling in the short term. |
samsam123321 | 2015-01-16 12:19 |
原來香港不是最貴,倫敦才是? |
noel2010 | 2015-01-16 14:01 |
回覆 samsam123321 的帖子
由於買新樓及車位,有價單,便不懂講價。提醒了我吧。 我買的物業免了印花稅,朋友同時買一大一小兩個單位,最後亦可免印花稅。 資本增值是利潤2百萬磅以上才繳稅,遲些有沒有改便不知,反正我們不是炒賣。由於去過英國多次,亦有熟朋友在當地,最近身邊已經有不少朋友在英國買樓自用或收租。 暫時沒有考慮呀仔會住問題,因為有太多可能性。純粹只是收租回報合理吸引吧。 |
samsam123321 | 2015-01-16 15:11 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 15-1-16 19:22 編輯 [/i]
怎麼我找極也找不到2millions gain 才收tax的資料, 是現行法例?但我講緊係今年4月6日後的新法例。 |
3b | 2015-01-16 17:10 |
Quote:原帖由 noel2010 於 15-01-15 發表![]() 純講英國物業收租。以過來人身份分析,香港收租回報3至4厘,扣完什項及交稅,回報很低,只博物業升值。我在 ... |
skIII | 2015-01-16 17:58 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 skIII 於 15-1-16 17:59 編輯 [/i]
回覆 ANChan59 的帖子 個人經驗,為準備小朋友將來去英國讀書,所以好耐之前己投資倫敦樓,亦因為咁,可以避過97時港樓大跌市,不過為免增值稅,所有倫敦樓之前都放了。完全同意投資同阿仔住宿完全分開考慮,因為除了假期去髹油,都沒有住過這些屋。 去年開始已考慮重新入市,並觀察了倫敦樓價一段時期,少少總結: -Zone1-2的回報更低,可能同港樓差不多。 -倫敦外圍的town仔可以考慮,可以有6%以上回報,治安會好得多,但要注意交通費問題,因為出倫敦火車可以好貴。 -以長線投資計,6%以上的租金收入完全可以cover供樓開支有餘,但如果是由地產公司管理的話,最好有7-8%以上回報才考慮。 -隔山買牛真的很難,雖然身處英國,但要去倫敦睇屋都路途遙遠,更何況香港去買英國屋。 |
skIII | 2015-01-16 18:18 |