英國物理治療系 (更新) ***7/2020***

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cy101 | 2019-03-09 16:05
Quote:bp123 發表於 19-3-9 13:58
回覆 cy101 的帖子

經過咁樣, 應該知要努力la!!!! 佢仲未識驚?
bp123 | 2019-03-10 10:59
回覆 cy101 的帖子 其實佢都知衰,佢根本冇諗過有咁既結果。就算再考都要等到第二年既7月,對我同佢都係一種折磨。
bp123 | 2019-03-10 11:35
[i=s] 本帖最後由 bp123 於 19-3-10 11:37 編輯 [/i] 接住落嚟就係收拾心情計畫未來既路,當時大家都好傍惶,首先要決定留係英國定返香港,佢好想係英國邊做pt邊自修,但係呢個status visa唔會cover,最後唯有返香港,一面做pt一面自修。
fung0001 | 2019-03-10 11:35
Overheard from a friend that CityU and EdU(Tung Wah college as well after正名)) will offer physiotherapy degree programmes soon.

Is it true?
fung0001 | 2019-03-10 12:07
Quote:bp123 發表於 19-3-10 11:35
接住落嚟就係收拾心情計畫未來既路,當時大家都好傍惶,首先要決定留係英國定返香港,佢好想係英國邊做pt邊 ...
I think the story was happy ending😌
There are Chinese proverbs

bp123 | 2019-03-10 13:27
回覆 fung0001 的帖子 其實行到今時今日都未有結果,我都好希望係happy ending
bp123 | 2019-03-10 13:29
回覆 fung0001 的帖子 都聽講過,東華好似仲傾緊未正式承認
Activehealth | 2019-03-10 13:46
Quote:fung0001 發表於 19-3-10 11:35 Overheard from a friend that CityU and EdU(Tung Wah college as well after正名)) will offer physiothe ...

OU is planning to start the physio degree soon while EdU may start speech therapy. CityU may start dental school (there are speculations).

rainbowwall | 2019-03-10 15:37
Quote:bp123 發表於 19-3-10 13:27 回覆 fung0001 的帖子 其實行到今時今日都未有結果,我都好希望係happy ending


Activehealth | 2019-03-10 16:15
Quote:bp123 發表於 19-3-10 13:27 回覆 fung0001 的帖子 其實行到今時今日都未有結果,我都好希望係happy ending

[i=s] 本帖最後由 Activehealth 於 19-8-7 13:18 編輯 [/i] Deleted

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