留學英國, 澳洲定係紐西蘭好呢?

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ywman | 2006-11-21 17:30
唔知係唔係自己係英國統治下長大, 好似對英國有信心d, 但學費會貴, 澳洲同紐西蘭唔洗飛咁遠, travel時間短d, 聽講當地人很純, 但係唔知好唔好, 各位ma ma可否比d意見, 同埋可唔可以分享下, 一年洗費要多少?
samanthavikki | 2006-11-21 22:07
你好呀! 我係澳洲墨爾本讀女校寄宿的以下係我校網址: http://www.toorakcollege.vic.edu.au/
我讀呢間學校好會幫啲oversea, 而且問功課唔怕問到夜(行返宿舍好快), 宿舍有晒timetable 咩時間要做咩好清楚(下午茶, 晚餐, 溫書, 燒夜), 仲要定期當值做打掃living room.
墨爾本o既人好純樸, 而且對我地啲黃皮膚o既人都好有情(o個度始終種族多, 所以佢地都好慣同唔同人種相處). 唐人香港人就比較多, 所以我自己講得唔係咁好. 但讀完大學申請入籍就唔難. 我已經有三個同學自己一個人成功申請入籍澳洲啦.

我細老係英國南面一個叫bournemouth 既地方讀書(以下網址係地圖)www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/europe/united_kingdom_pol87.jpg ,佢寄住鬼佬家庭, o個度無乜唐人, 我細老朋友中只有一兩個唐人, 平時都係同鬼玩, 因為無乜野玩, 如果放假佢會搵工做(佢話好悶所以要去做野過日神), 而且出london都幾耐, 所以細老一年只會去一兩次出親佢都要住一晚酒店的. (細老剛17歲已經考入一間瑞士都幾ok既大學讀酒店, 所以佢無完成中學)

ywman | 2006-11-21 23:42

quote"唐人香港人就比較多, 所以我自己講得唔係咁好"unquote

你的意思是不是說墨爾本香港人多, 所以唔係咁易學好英文??

你講的女校我感興趣, 我個女今年讀中五, 以你意見, 你認為英國或是澳洲會好些呢? 同時一年費用大概要多少? 我要計一計自己是否負擔得起, 因為去海外讀書不是一年半載的事, 同時如果合適, 係唔係可以自己申請, 或是要經代辦去安排?
Quentin0227 | 2006-11-22 14:17
Dear Ywman,

First of all, you have to know what subjects does your girl like to study in University, because different country have different best subject there. UK, Australia, and New Zealand they are all using UK education system, which means all countries under UK education system have to take public exam, such as HKCEE or GCSE. Some students they do not want to take any public exam, therefore, Canada and USA are their choice.

UK $ 150 000 - 270 000 per year
Aus and NZ $ 160 000 - 220 000 per year
CAD $130 000 - 180 000 per year
USA $ 150 000 - 220 000 per year

If your girl is going to finish F.5 in HK, and you have a little budget for her to go, I would suggest you to look for USA, most of my students before, after their HKCEE, they will go USA, because USA are having a 2+2 program, which means 2 years associate degree, afterwards, going to Year 3 and 4, then get her degree. In this way, you will save 2 years time and 2 years money.

If you want to know more, you may contact me, coz my husband and I work in overseas education agency, I can give you more information. :-D
ywman | 2006-11-22 19:11
Dear Quentin0227,

Please kindly pm yr contact no. to me. :-)
vvtong | 2006-11-23 10:37

讀緊F.5可考慮申請澳洲的大學基礎(Foundation)課程, 一般讀一年便可升上大學, 但去澳洲前需要參加IELTS英文考試, 達到佢地收生要求便可。 詳情可向IDP或其他澳洲代理公司申請, 佢地係不收費用的。 你亦可留意下有無海外升學展覽, 因有好多學校會派代表出席, 你可即時向他們查詢詳情。


ywman | 2006-11-23 18:17
Dear vvtong,

Thank you
xother | 2006-11-24 02:23
I was in Melbourne back in 1995 for 3.5 years.
From my personal view, UK is too expensive. New Zealand is a small countries and not many people/company recognize. so Australia is the only one left behind.
I assume the pontential employer will treat all overseas graduate the same unless you are came from the super famous one, eg, Standford.

HEE | 2006-11-28 13:09
Dear Quentin0227,

Please Check PM. Thanks!!
edithedith | 2006-11-28 15:24

請check pm
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