studying in Toronto - Canada

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uki | 2006-11-22 08:48


其實有好多親朋响度, 但我冇俾亞女住响佢地度,
除咗責任大, 真係吃力不討好...
唉! 結果係點諗都諗到la...

gd.11 先去讀都唔算太遲,
因為我地唔响佢身邊, 所以要佢有一定成熟, 獨立..等
而且對自己及對家庭有承担, 負責任
否則去到咁遠, 不論有冇親朋戚友, 甚至寄宿
都唔知後果如何, 我地响嗰邊住咗廿年,
眼見唔少例子, 都係浪費青春,
但好明顯呢個唔同大女, 冇咁主動, 較懶散
因此我認為要視乎小朋友本身性格, 來決定要走的路

Quote:WYmom 寫道:

Thanks a lot. Is your daughter studying there alone? Will it be too late to go back by G11? I am thinking of sending my daughter back by G9...

I like Unionville very much too. I still go back to visit my relatives once in a few years. My daughters enjoy playing summer camps there very much.

WYmom | 2006-11-22 09:38
Thanks, uki. I also know a girl moved to Toronto to study G11 in boarding school for 2 years (she graduated from a famous elite school in HK), though she has relatives there, she can't make it (enter U) after 2 years. Her parents have to send her back!

So just wonder if your daughter can study there by herself at G11 without parents around.

I also have a younger girl studying at kinder only. If send the elder one to study high school alone, I am very worried, if go with her, then the smaller one cannot have a good Chinese learning environment... :roll:

Besides, is your daughter's school satisfactory? A lot of people said that public schools are not very good now, if want to enter good Us, it is better to study in private schools. Is this true?
io | 2006-11-22 10:37
uki 寫道:


其實有好多親朋响度, 但我冇俾亞女住响佢地度,
除咗責任大, 真係吃力不討好...
唉! 結果係點諗都諗到la...

gd.11 先去讀都唔算太遲,
因為我地唔响佢身邊, 所以要佢有一定成熟, 獨立..等
而且對自己及對家庭有承担, 負責任
否則去到咁遠, 不論有冇親朋戚友, 甚至寄宿
都唔知後果如何, 我地响嗰邊住咗廿年,
眼見唔少例子, 都係浪費青春,
但好明顯呢個唔同大女, 冇咁主動, 較懶散
因此我認為要視乎小朋友本身性格, 來決定要走的路

Quote:WYmom 寫道:

Thanks a lot. Is your daughter studying there alone? Will it be too late to go back by G11? I am thinking of sending my daughter back by G9...

I like Unionville very much too. I still go back to visit my relatives once in a few years. My daughters enjoy playing summer camps there very much.

:-D :-D :-D
非常同意你ga講法,出國讀書最緊要睇小朋友本身,同時除左學術方面而德育行為方面緊加重要,有d家長唔知係咪睇得電視劇集多讀唔掂先出去讀,一定緊加唔掂 8-)
emily06 | 2006-11-22 11:14

I have similar questions as WYMom.

I would like to know how are the public schools now in Toronto. In my time, they were really great. But a lot of my friends are sending their children to private schools. Is that really necessary? Or it is merely a trend among some circles of friends?

And where does your daughter live now? And do you have to appoint a legal gardian for her?

My husband and I are in the middle of thinking what we should do. There were 2 options in our minds: (1) we all go back together, but this means we need to give up everything in Hong Kong, (2) I go with the children, and my husband stays in Hong Kong.

This has been bothering us for a while. Hope you and WYMom can share your views.

G-Ma | 2006-11-22 11:36
我自己覺得grade 11過去係幾適合既時間
1. 係香港可以讀到中四, 中文程度應該有番咁上下
2. 已經16歲, 心智都較成熟
3. 16歲好似唔需要監護人
4. grade 11仲有兩至三年時間比佢適應好先入u

我自己當年都係grade 11過去, 當其時既公立學校都好唔錯, 入u 唔係好難. 我地以前住夠兩年就唔駛考tofel. 宜家好似要住夠5年先可以唔駛考tofel. 以前tofel要600分, 但宜家個計分方法都好似唔同左(我見到要213分??), 有無人知宜家u of t 既收生要求係點?
WYmom | 2006-11-22 11:46

Ha, our situations are really similar...I am also thinking about your option 2... but it is dangerous to leave the husband here alone!! I have a friend doing the same and just after one year, she has to fly back to fix ... but unfortunately still has to divorce at the end.

So maybe train the kids to be more mature and independent so that they can take care of themselves to study aboard on their own later.
chungmingbaby | 2006-11-22 12:40
Hi dear all parents,

We have spent two weeks in last August to do some research in primary and secondary schools for my F.4 daughter and P. 5 son. I have brought back a book called 2006 Ontario School Yearbook (2006/5/30 Canada明報附送). The schools are ranked by the EQAQ results (like our BCA in HK) for P. 6, P. 9 on English and Maths. It has some other information on private schools too. I can copy some of the pages for you should you wish.

For all the information that I gathered, we will send our daughter to a public school because for high school education – public school offers better resources (of course, there are plenty of good private schools which will offer the same but we have to pay). So if she can get into one of the good public schools (such as Unionville High, Richmond Hill High), that will be fine. Most friends suggest the best year to go back is Grade 10. Then the children can have one year to get used to the new environment and then Grade 11/12 are the two years which prepare them to enter into universities.

For my son, he will be in Grade 6 next year. I will put him into a private school because I guess he will need more attention from teachers for his first year in Toronto and by the time he finishes Grade 8, he might go back to the public school stream.

Dear Uki,

I understand that for public schools, we need to reside in the neighborhood. Will they allow you to 跨區 if the school has seat available? For example, my brother lives in Richmond Hill and I want to enroll into Unionville High, otherwise I might need to go back early to rent a house in Unionville. Can you give me some advice please? :adore:


uki | 2006-11-22 16:44
WYmom , emily06,

我完全明白你地ge顧慮, 正如當初我考慮ge野一模一樣

首先, 我相公唔贊成分開, 佢認為小朋友前途重要
但唔等於咁快要分散家庭, 所以兩夫婦必須要一起
待子女長大些才放洋, 加上呢個年代唔可以唔學中文
佢亦唔想毫無保障下, 貿然回流加拿大, 這是重要決定

未帶大女去之前幾年, 我地開始做輔導工作 :
必須考會考, 要佢知道壓力無處不在,
仲要佢有好成績, 原中學取錄, 否則留低repeat
目的係要佢盡力, 唔好諗住有後著就放鬆
因為如果响hk都讀唔掂, 過到去都一樣唔掂,
因為嗰邊high school要求自律自學

卒之亞女總算不負所望, 會考後才去
還有佢屬於細女(Nov born),
我要佢讀gd 11(即多讀一年)
(有好多人認為我呢個決定, 浪費女兒時間, 但我並不這樣想)
因為讀gd 12 的話, 9月開學後,
10月便要揀U, 2月interview, 我覺得實在太倉促
連當地環境都未適應, 試問如何揀大學?
自己心智未成熟, 又如何選修科目?
我和女兒分析過後, 她亦同意了,
因此她將於明年9月才入u, 這年半以來, 她得到很多體會
學校, 義工, 教會, part-time...等等,
除了我的朋友, 她認識多了朋友, 人亦長大了成熟了
我認為這個狀態是最美好的, 她知道自己將要面對甚麼
並非由父母安排的, 她會為自己選擇道路, 學懂珍惜
這些才是最重要, 才是我們一直想她擁有的東西

我真的不希望她成為"高分低能"的一份子 :-P
WYmom | 2006-11-22 17:47
uki, thanks a lot for your sharing which is very helpful. Agree with you very much. Hope I can also train my girl to be like that.


Your info. is very useful. So are you going to stay in Canada with your 2 kids then?

And, is it easy to get into the 2 high schools you mentioned? Is it necessary to pass an interview or test? Or can get a place (if available) by just walking in ?

emily06 | 2006-11-22 17:52

Thanks for sharing your. That is really helpful.

One more question. Where is your daughter living now? Is she staying with a relative?
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