澳洲 - 新南威爾斯

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HandShum | 2006-12-07 17:06
知唔知這個省有無好既中學呢? 我個小朋友13歲, 在直資讀緊中二, 若果過澳洲有個朋友可以照顧, 請問大約學費連生活費幾多錢一年, 或有沒有網址可供參考呢, 謝謝 :adore:
eeb | 2006-12-07 17:29
妳個小朋友係仔定女呀? 妳想佢入政府定私立中學?
raema | 2006-12-07 18:56
New South Wales is a state,
there are a few cities in NSW,
eg Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, Armidale etc
there are government schools and private schools,
my personal feeling is private schools are better but more expensive,
there are also good selected government schools but very competitive to get a place
HandShum | 2006-12-07 19:26
eeb, raema,

多謝你地回應,我對於澳洲一的認識都無, 亦都唔知點樣分政府或私立學校, 我個仔仔呢呀, 請給予多些資料,謝謝
:adore: :adore:
eeb | 2006-12-07 21:51
唔好意思,我對sydney既女校就熟,男、男女校同sydney以外既學校唔係好熟,比較出名既public boys有:
north sydney boys high school
sydney boys high school

如果妳以入大學為前提,可以等囝囝考完F.5去讀foundation studies (容易d入大學,唔洗考公開試),不過都有人讀讀下high school去咗讀foundation studies,但一定要係overseas student囉。

pizzahut | 2006-12-11 23:04
咁 foundation school 係5咪 = pre U? 要讀幾多年同幾錢? 係政府or 私校?Quote:
eeb 寫道:

如果妳以入大學為前提,可以等囝囝考完F.5去讀foundation studies (容易d入大學,唔洗考公開試),不過都有人讀讀下high school去咗讀foundation studies,但一定要係overseas student囉。

eeb | 2006-12-12 11:34
BlaBla | 2006-12-14 21:27
i have a girl who is studying F.5 now. She is a Aus Citizen. Can she study the foundation course in NSW? Have she need to pay overseas fee? thanks for your reply!
eeb | 2006-12-16 16:15
citizen都可以讀,但一樣俾overseas學費同埋入u個GPA(分數)由UAC定,簡單黎講即係同一個degree要高分過overseas student 先入得,因為citizen入u有HECS,就算唔考HSE都要跟足UAC入u。

雖然$$比讀high school多咗,但慳一年時間同埋唔洗考公開試,有好有唔好啦﹗

BlaBla 寫道:
i have a girl who is studying F.5 now. She is a Aus Citizen. Can she study the foundation course in NSW? Have she need to pay overseas fee? thanks for your reply!

jvc | 2006-12-25 23:12
Hi eeb,

My daughter (4 yrs) just land in Sydney few months ago, she will start to 入 P1 next year 05. I wonder if you know there are any teaching methods to follow and guide her during her schooling here ?? :roll:

Thanks a lot in advance!

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