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slai123 | 2006-12-19 18:24
如果有能力和有機會,建議到美國讀書較到其它國家讀書好。原因,在美國好的大學有很多,而且很多大學資源充裕,入學後如果成績好,還有可能獲得減學費或等同本地人收費。畢業後在當地找工作的機會也多過其它國家。但是,我不建議先入讀社區學校(community college),因為這是給未能入讀4年制大學的學生入讀,師資等資源不可跟大學比。如要讀完後升讀(第三年)較好的或出名的大學就比較困難。如要先入到ESL課程,四年制的大學也有,而且讀完後會得到同一所大學或同一個州的大學認受,並可入讀正規的4年制大學。(跟community college沒有分別吧!)


BillyM | 2006-12-20 00:19


第二,Community College入名牌大學的機會不細,有時由College入U的機會比直接由high school申請更大。

slai123 | 2006-12-20 10:44
(1) 這都是我在美國讀書時所認識。學費減免是要跟成績有關,另外可能需要Director of School of ( ) 即__系主管或professor給學生的推薦信。學費減免當然還要看那個系受重視的程度。

(2) 美國的Community college相當於香港的副學士,請到當地參觀完設施和比較,大家便了解。
* 係美國college的意義=university. 例如Boston College會較Boston Univerity 多人認識。

(3) 美國有很多大城市,可能很多人不太熟悉。例如很多人弄錯Atlanta 和Atlantic City. Atlanta是美國東南面的一個很大城市,CNN, Coca Cola, Marriott總部都位于這個城市。
Univ of Hawaii (Honolulu)
Univ of Texas (Austin)
Emory Univ (Atlanta) 醫科十分出名
Georgia Tech (Atlanta) = MIT (Boston)
Univ of Pennsylvania or Pennsylvania State U (Philadelphia)
New York Univ / Univ of Columbia (New York City)
Univ of California (xxx) ---好多都位于大城市或鄰近大城市的college town.
其它出名的大學和Ivy league,會位于college town但這些好的大學不會太偏離大城市,因為大學教授也需要到其它地方做研究呀!

BillyM | 2006-12-20 11:56

第二點,Community College的設施當然不能與正式U比,但不少學生的確可以由Community College跳入名牌大學,這是我對閣下第一篇發表言論所持的不同意見。況且Community College學費平,要慳錢不如讀Community College然後上U,好過祈望學校減學費。



另外,你所說的 Penn State是位於University Park,不是Philly。

ivyscyip | 2006-12-20 18:32
我同意BillyM所講﹐大學好與壞同城市大細無關。我在MIT畢業﹐boston也不算一個好大的城市。ivy league 如dartmouth, cornell﹐yale等都係細城市的。

我知好多出名大學都無esl班(MIT就無)。我覺得如果係香港直接去美國的話﹐可以去讀一兩年community college再插入大學都無問題﹐有Dcommunity college D course,
大學係承認的。我識得D人係community college 讀左兩年後入berkeley 讀。 如果想入 ivy league 或頭20名的大學就難D啦﹗
katyfok | 2006-12-21 02:46
I was thinking more towards the quality of students at Community College.
Yes, many of them enter CC first because cc are more affoardable. Those are the ones who know what they want ( go to 4yr college eventually) and they do well in school.
but many more students goes to CC and don't take school seriously... that's what I'm worry about.
If my kids have a choice, I wouldn't wanna send them to CC.... I guess, a " no so good" college is much better than cc.

yes, I also don't agree that college in large cities get more resources...
But i do think Boston is a " large" city in US standards. Besides NY, I don't think there's another city in N. America that has the scale of HK, Tokyo or London.... ( I've lived in many cities in the States... and I still think no city is as lively as HK or London)
just can't compare Boston with world famous cities... but within US, Boston is not bad la....

slai123 | 2006-12-21 17:14

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katyfok 寫道:
I was thinking more towards the quality of students at Community College.
Yes, many of them enter CC first because cc are more affoardable. Those are the ones who know what they want ( go to 4yr college eventually) and they do well in school.
but many more students goes to CC and don't take school seriously... that's what I'm worry about.
If my kids have a choice, I wouldn't wanna send them to CC.... I guess, a " no so good" college is much better than cc.

yes, I also don't agree that college in large cities get more resources...
But i do think Boston is a " large" city in US standards. Besides NY, I don't think there's another city in N. America that has the scale of HK, Tokyo or London.... ( I've lived in many cities in the States... and I still think no city is as lively as HK or London)
just can't compare Boston with world famous cities... but within US, Boston is not bad la....

Katyfok, 多謝你的補充。這就是我們對學校的關注。
除此,其實大家都要關注種族歧視和欺淩等問題。美國讀書環境很好,但仍然有些的地方不太接受東方人。(相信其它國家亦有類似問題) 因此選擇學校和地點就需細心考慮。