Your thought on this year's SSPA results?

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ANChan59 | 2007-05-30 15:28
The school has excellent results in past years since 2000, with new rule of game, what's your thought, better, worse or stable?

What's the impact on this traditional good primary school?
ANChan59 | 2007-07-27 11:04
Quote:原文章由 ANChan59 於 07-5-30 15:28 發表
The school has excellent results in past years since 2000, with new rule of game, what's your thought, better, worse or stable?

What's the impact on this traditional good primary school?

The school upkeep the results, like previous year girls' allocation results better than boys.
For boys no QC, but two to HKWY, one to DBS and one to KWY.
More girls to St Stephen's Girls.
PM session has 8 to CCSC. 4 to HK Chinese Women Asso.
wttcly | 2008-06-30 17:06
ANChan59 | 2008-07-03 01:52
Quote:原文章由 wttcly 於 08-6-30 17:06 發表

Pls visit the following link:
sunbb | 2008-07-09 11:35

我嫂聽高年班的家長講, 學校係唔會話比家長知學生的 BANDING 和名次. 令到好多家長擔心點才知自己子女去到邊個 BANDING.

我知有些學校係會話比學生知自己成績和屬那 個 BANDING的.

請問你的子女係點情況下選校? 你小朋友係讀
BAND 1 中學, 成績表係唔係全部都係要 A.(90-100分)
咁平均分得80幾 (B) 係唔係要選 BAND 2 中學?

ANChan59 | 2008-07-09 17:24

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Quote:原文章由 sunbb 於 08-7-9 11:35 發表

我嫂聽高年班的家長講, 學校係唔會話比家長知學生的 BANDING 和名次. 令到好多家長擔心點才知自己子女去到邊個 BANDING. ...

Be honest, your question is real tough to answer. pls don't mind the answer a bit too broad and confusing.

In the past, the weighting factor of rank order list based on NPMPS's senior students granding examination results years ago and used that for many years. From last year onward, they mixed the historical as 50% and last year students granding examination result (I forgot the name) for another 50%. so the variable is the new 50% results, which is an unkown so Principal Leung and other teachers are hesitate to say Band 1 or 2.

After this two years, the weighting factor will be based on current students performance, which may easier for them to predict the Bandings. Like in the past Band 1 67-69%, last year around 65%, this year 66%, we know top 65% students are in band 1, the Principal will know the percentile of the marginal case. If my memory is correct she told us during different briefings and I forgot how she said that as I was pretty sure my son was in top Band 1.

In my son's case, all subjects were straight A and conduct was A-, we didn't know his rank in the form. Until we applied for SPCC, they needed the Principal to recommend and disclosed my son's rank in form, therefore we know he was in top 3. Actually, you can tell once Principal Leung won't write a recommendation letter for your kid to apply SPCC, definitely they are not in top 3-5.

Band 1 not necessary straight As referred to my son, but majority in A with Bs.

You may see too many variables to predict the banding, if they told you are in Band 1 and actually you are in Band 2, you will blame them once the result not matched.

My suggestion is push the kid for 3 terms on academic results, ensure they are in top 50% percentile, so no need to worry. Not push too hard, spare sometime for them to have ECA and excel in certain areas, like music, sports etc. Reasonable good grade with some special talents in certain areas is the best scenario.