小一同學small campus的user name 及密碼

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wywyandkk | 2007-10-06 19:11
Dear NPM parents,

我是小一生的家長,早前學校派了小學園(星願小王子)的user name 同password,但打了一次之後就丟了,現在login唔到。請問user name 是否npm加出世紙頭六個號碼,而password是出世紙整個號碼?

sisima | 2007-10-08 22:39

for example : your ID NO.y123456(7)

user name : npm-123456
secret no : y1234567

you can try!
mum | 2007-10-12 14:05
Hello Sisima,
How are U? My daughter has been sick for a whole week. She has fever and her class have 3-6kids did not go to school as well.... they transfer to each others.
By the way, your daughter in 4C or 4D? Assessment on next week la.... again.....
Keep in touch.
sisima | 2007-10-17 17:48

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hi mum,

you come back la! sorry for my late reply. i was busy within two weeks.

How about your daughter now? Has she reovered her health? God blessing her.

my daugher just finished some assessments & dictations. we can take the rest la!

tomorrow, I will send pm to you.
