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Amom1972 | 2014-04-02 08:55
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MrBeast | 2014-04-02 09:23
其實在hk, 大部份人和時間以cantonese 溝通,英文的確是2nd lang ,咁as a 2nd language 去教其實又唔覺有乜問題,況且,老師的英文level 又未到native level, 咁要as a first language 去教執行上有許多問題。不過以hk 長遠競爭力來看,正苦的確要在英文教育方面做些野。

chunyatmama | 2014-04-02 09:51
Quote:MrBeast 發表於 14-4-2 09:23
其實在hk, 大部份人和時間以cantonese 溝通,英文的確是2nd lang ,咁as a 2nd language 去教其實又唔覺有 ...

My hubby discussed with some friends who with their kids in IS a few days ago. All the IS parents said that their IS have never teach gramma or spelling. The kids just keep using it, reading and writing something silly in the school. Their kids build up their language just like this. The major difference for IS and local school as mentioned above is the language environment. To systematically teach the 2nd language via gramma is not wrong. At least the teachers and the parents can assessment how much has the kid learnt. Yet, to achieve a fluent standard in terms of speaking is another problem.

Frankly, my English was terrible and now is less terrible. The major breakthrough for my English was due to my travelling experience at Europe for 50 days alone during the summer vacation whenI was a Year2 student in the University. I could not run and could not hide when I was lone in Europe. And I needed to SPEAK UP! So, experience in using the language is important. Before that, I have no confident in using English, not to mention to speak up by using it. My face would turn red and heart beating like hell : P

ANChan59 | 2014-04-02 10:11
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Amom1972 | 2014-04-02 10:13
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ANChan59 | 2014-04-02 10:16
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chunyatmama | 2014-04-02 10:29
Amom1972 但香港學生不應以2nd language之程度去讀大學 發表於 2 分鐘前

Tough! That's s the truth. I guess more than 70% of the undergraduates in HK do not use English as their 1st language. I agree that good language is so important for one's learning efficiency. One of my classmates in the University before our graduation said that the only subject he believed to be important and useful, afterall, is English. He sincerely said that our English was not good enough to achieve an effective and efficient learning.

The only way we could do is trying to assist our kids to build up their language.

ANChan59 | 2014-04-02 10:32
Quote:Amom1972 發表於 14-4-2 10:13
其實問題很多,正是香港本地學生的英文水平不濟,讀大學時事倍功半,尤其是讀humanity subjects,之前在 ...
學校課本都是一般本地課程,我覺得沒有甚麽文法主導,不過學校十分強調中英閱讀計划,每個學生每學期有Reading log book, 同時要做reading summary and reading report。校內閱讀氣氛不俗,孩子之間互相良性互動。我以為間間津小差不多吧。

囝囝爸 | 2014-04-02 10:35
原帖由 eviepa 於 09-11-13 21:06 發表 [img=13,13]file:///var/mobile/Applications/1E55BA09-3E54-4980-8517-2753FAF4537D/Documents/_Cc_Xz$D/back.gif[/img]





我說當年. 記憶中教署在上世紀90年中後, 推出一大教育改革, 名為 TOC 課程 (Target-oriented curriculum). 其一為小學階段完全放棄教文法. 學校要教我唔知准唔准. TOC 不知現還存在否.

以上是我於 09 年和 Eveipa 的答問。 當局想效法 Communicative Approach,冇聽講語境和應用,只靠寫讀,死得仲快,其後唯有不了了之!

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ANChan59 | 2014-04-02 10:40
Quote:囝囝爸 發表於 14-4-2 10:35
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