專注力不足, 有咩方法

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CY-ma | 2004-03-30 21:19
我的三歲半仔專注力不足, 有咩方法可幫佢.

梁媽媽 | 2004-03-31 09:31
我聽人講就是要彈琴, 因彈琴既可訓練左右腦, 又要用耳仔聽, 左右手彈的節拍又不一樣, 此舉絕對有幫助。

Trevormama | 2004-03-31 10:48
My son has the same issue and get the complian for his teacher since he was 3.5 years old. We play the chess, and puzzle with him, it seems he has a little bit improve.

CY-ma | 2004-03-31 15:17
Thank You for all your sugguestion.
I will try all the ways like piano, chess and puzzle. By the way, I am a piano teacher but I don't think I can teach my own son.

Your son really looks smart.

Trevormama | 2004-03-31 15:44

Thanks for your praising but he really active and make me exhuasted. If you are a piano teacher, may be you can sent him to learn and can instruct and monitor his progress. It is rather has advantage than the mother do not know music like me. My son also start to learn violin since 4 mons before, sometime I feel even hard to cope with the music knowledge and monitor my son's progress.

Hope your kid will become good boy/girl soon.

littlecat | 2004-03-31 15:52
我覺得可以比小朋友玩砌圖&畫畫, 都可以訓練專注力, 不妨試
leshita | 2004-04-01 00:43
CY-ma 寫道:
我的三歲半仔專注力不足, 有咩方法可幫佢.

wawa | 2004-04-02 12:04
bobomum | 2004-04-02 12:39
Heard that "sensory integration" training can help to improve attention wor!

MT | 2004-04-02 12:53
Hello BoBoma,
can you tell more about the sensory intergration training? I am facing the same problem with CY-ma. thanks

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