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water111 | 2007-10-24 13:18
Hi Jayden BB

可否send 一 個俾我呀
[email protected]

ma1015 | 2007-10-26 01:41
Hi JaydenBB,
我都想參考個schedule, 可以 e 比我嗎? Thanks a lot!
[email protected]
heidi0653 | 2007-10-26 01:49

Jayden BB

可否send 多一 個俾我呀 with thousands of thanks!!!!
[email protected]

我都想買DWE,但真係好貴,本來想買套2手版take along,再同consultant買電子書系列,點知consultant話買2手版係入唔到會,要買到一套basic至可以入會,但之後更發覺仲有咁多既教材,正在心大心細,唔知點好???????
sansan2008 | 2007-10-26 09:28
我都想要個schedule, 可以 e埋 比我嗎? Many thanks!

[email protected]
SALLYCHOW | 2007-10-29 17:14
Hi :)

Jayden BB

我都想參考個schedule, 可以 e 比我嗎?
Thanks a lot!!!!!
[email protected]:hammer:
super8 | 2007-10-29 20:11
Hi JaydenBB,

Still not yet rec'd the time-table. Can u pls resend again to my [email protected] and [email protected]


Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-10-23 21:48 硐表
Dear mommies, pls check emails!;-)

carlyli | 2007-10-30 13:21
pls email to me ,thanks a lot:

[email protected]
JaydenBB | 2007-10-30 21:41
Quote:原文章由 heidi0653 於 07-10-26 01:49 硐表

Jayden BB

可否send 多一 個俾我呀 with thousands of thanks!!!!
[email protected]

我都想買DWE,但真係好貴,本來想買套2手版take along,再同consultant買電子書系列,點知consultant話買2手版係入唔到會,要 ...

Heidi, Its worth to buy the Super Mickey sent of DWE, u may wish to look at our discussion earlier on this :-P if u only buy the playalong cards, its not that holistic (唔全面)and also, its worth to have the membership, becos ur baby girl will chew and crumble the books and cards hehe! 其實39xxx真係幾貴, 但我分期付款, 無咁肉痛...
JaydenBB | 2007-10-30 21:48
dear mommies, i have sent u the schedule, pls check emails!;-)
Rachel007 | 2007-10-31 19:46
Hi JaydenBB,

Can you send the schedule to me, please? Thanks a lot. My email address [email protected]

I have been playing the DVD and CDs randomly with no order. It's good to be more systematic, afterall this thing costs us a fortune.
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