adrianmami | 2007-11-16 22:36 |
Can I have the schedule too? My email is |
jl118 | 2007-11-17 12:17 |
I want the schedule too. Pls send to [email protected] |
YvonneEddy | 2007-11-19 23:19 |
各位媽咪: Why your set of Super Mickey only costs $39,000. The sales told me that one set costs $44,400 (excluding Mickey Lead Pad and Let's Play). In fact, what's the difference? I am considering buying second hand because new set is too expensive and I am afraid the bb might not interested in it. What's your opinion? 不知如何是好的媽媽 :-( |
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-11-20 21:35 |
YvonneEddy | 2007-11-21 08:23 |
bridgetlam | 2007-11-21 11:32 |
我最近都買佐,係39,000, 我估你講個套係多了家長旨引本及主課程光碟35隻, 因我個sales都有比資料我, 這部份好似係互動多d, 我bb咁細, $39,000都夠用.你check清楚,我是在十月尾買, 只送書架和品德書(中文/國語),好似今期已轉書架和百科書,仲好la. |
YvonneEddy | 2007-11-21 20:02 |
係呀!今期送書架和百科全書,但要$44,400,以我所知係無主課程光碟35隻,因為sales話套package已經有DVD!真係好混亂! 另外,有無媽咪可以send個full set嘅schedule俾我研究下,我的e-mail係 ![]() Many thanks.:-P |
meredo | 2007-11-21 21:58 |
我最近都買咗DWE,Super Mickey 可唔可以send個schedule比我參考吓! Thanks:adore: :adore: 另外,YvonneEddy 你BB幾大呀?因為我BB三個月大,我個sales就叫我唔洗買let's palyset住,因為佢唔係咁啱細BB! 以我所知應該係籃色嗰個櫃呀嘛!我見我張單入面有Let's Playset D items 喎,有好多做手工嘅工具同材料,電子書及配件,互動學習DVD 8隻,都好多嘢口架喎! Sales 叫我唔洗買住,coz 大部份都係消耗品,無得換,D顏料乾哂BB都未識玩,所以,買$39,000嗰part先就ok喇! 我買之前有上去佢哋center睇過全set教材至買,你想了解多D,上去睇吓好D口架:cheeze: ! |
YvonneEddy | 2007-11-22 00:03 |
Meredo, 我個B同你個B一樣,都係3個月,Sales都係同我講唔駛買Let's Play and Mickey Leap Pad,因為唔啱細B用,買埋要$53,900!如果唔買呢兩樣,就要$44,400,所以我就係唔明點解會唔同你哋!另外個價就係$33,800,有Playmate, Sing Along, Funs with Words, Game cards and Play Along! 有無人可以list out $39,000包D mug? 等我同個sales bargain下!當然我都會打去問問! |
meredo | 2007-11-22 01:28 |
咿..!咁唔通係加咗價! 我係11月頭買口架,之前個sales一直都話嚟緊會加價,好似話11月幾號會加,但係唔知加幾多! 我買嗰時個Sales話 only Let's Playset and Mickey Leap Pad 係around$10,000,如果買埋好似全set total is around $49,000口架!我記得係under $50,000口架! 不如問吓sales係唔係加咗價! |